Wednesday 23 November 2022

Getting Isaac Ready

Do you remember the child-sized mannequin I bought at a Yard Sale back in July? I decided we'd call him Isaac and he could be the Shepherd boy in the year's Nativity Tableau
When I got him, we sorted out a head, a stand and a suntan. I draped him. In bits of fabric to get an idea about costumes. 
Last month I found a sheep in a garden centre (a plant pot holder suitable for outdoor use) Yesterday I fetched Isaac down, and made him an outfit. 
The Waitrose Weekend newspaper is very useful for making paper patterns! Unfortunately Shelley Sheep will not tuck under his arm as I'd hoped, so may have to stand at Isaac's feet. 
Next I have to make a better arm for Joseph - last year's Tableau was prepared too quickly and I was not happy with the way he looked. 
Friday and Saturday is the Pop-Up Shop*, then on Monday I'll put the Tableau into the Carriage House. 
*a friend asked someone if she was coming to the shop and was told 'no, she'll probably be selling religious stuff'. Oh dear! I hope people aren't thinking there will be votive candles, rosaries and teatowels with Psalm 23 - or maybe embroidered texts... 


  1. Glad to hear the latest update on Isaac, hadn't forgotten him at all , and to hear that you found a sheep. Wishing you all the best with the pop up shop. Like our village church Christmas market on Saturday , people will find special things. Love Isabel

  2. Some people....they make assumptions and are very judgy. (& they think that others are judgy).
    Shepherd is lovely as is sheep.

  3. Lol! Disappointed you won't be selling potential religious icons!!!Good luck with it all. You've made a grand job of Isaac and I love Shelley the Sheep,!x

  4. Isaac will look great with Shelley Sheep standing beside him. :)
    Good luck with the pop up shop! I hope you have many people stopping by and make lots of sales!

  5. You can't please all the people all the time! I love the sheep and Isaac the shepherd boy.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. No, you really can't! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  6. I have a lovely feeling that you will do better than you could have imagined with the PopUP shop.
    The sheep is great with Isaac, it's good that you gave yourself plenty of time to get all this ready.JanF
    Rained all day yesterday but no leaks so far!

    1. Thank you Jan. We have had lots of heavy rain too (forecast good for weekend) I am so pleased to read that you've had no leaks - inevitably you must feel a little anxious after last time 🌧️🌧️❤️πŸ‘

  7. I'm sure that there is something of a meditation as you work to improve and dress Isaac and plan the position of Shelley the Sheep. I hope that your Pop-up shop will surprise visitors with the lovely items and that you will make lots of sales.

  8. I personally feel embroidered samplers would be snatched up. Mainly by me.

  9. Isaac and the sheep look great, good luck with the pop up shop before Isaac et al take up residence.

    Don't you just hate people that jump to conclusions and then share their wrong ideas with others ... I do. :-(

    1. I know ...I am aware that some of the dog walkers call me The Vicar's Wife (despite the fact that my Baptist Bob has never been a vicar!!)


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