Sunday, 31 December 2023
Happiness, Health, Hope
Saturday, 30 December 2023
Just Lion Around...
Friday, 29 December 2023
You Gotta Pack A Pucket Or Two...

Thursday, 28 December 2023
A Message For The Grandmothers
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Vacuum Cleaner Tales 1 & 2
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Colourful Christmastime
Monday, 25 December 2023
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Advent Sunday 4
Attitudes of hatred and division give way to persecution, causing many to flee to places of safety, bringing with them stories of indescribable cruelty and abuse.
Yet all too often they are met with attitudes of indifference. Perceived as a threat, their plight fuels demands for more controlled borders to stem their migrant flow.
Individuals turn on those around them in unexpected acts of violence, bringing pain and bereavement in an instant, where there had been festive celebrations only moments before - we pray especially this weekend for the people of Prague
But those who seek the light of Christ in the midst of this darkness, remember and declare that love will always overcome evil and that when these things are passed, love will remain.
Saturday, 23 December 2023
Almost Ready...
Friday, 22 December 2023
A Stitch [Not Quite] In Time
Bottom right, a rabbit playing a yellow drum, two little dickey-birds in a nest, a stripy cat watching the scene, perched on a log, and a badger dozing, with her back against the trunk of another tree,
Thursday, 21 December 2023
RIP Jason
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Fairytale Of New York, Via Faversham
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Creased Up
Monday, 18 December 2023
Round And About At Christmas

Sunday, 17 December 2023
Advent Sunday 3
My Lord, My Lord,
Long have I cried out to Thee
In the heat of the sun,
The cool of the moon
My screams searched the heavens for Thee.
My God,
When my blanket was nothing but dew.
Rags and bones were all I owned.
I chanted Your name, just like Job.
Father, Father,
My life give I gladly to Thee
Deep rivers ahead
High mountains above
My soul wants only Your love
But fears gather round like wolves in the dark
Have You forgotten my name?
Oh, Lord, come to Your child.
Oh, Lord, forget me not.
You said to lean on Your arm - and I’m leaning
You said to trust in Your love - and I’m trusting
You said to call on Your name - and I’m calling
I’m stepping out on Your word.
You said You’d be my protection,
My only and glorious saviour
My beautiful Rose of Sharon,
And I’m stepping out on Your word
Joy, joy -Your word.
Joy, joy - the wonderful word of the Son of God.
You said that You would take me to glory
To sit down at the welcome table
Rejoice with my mother in heaven
And I’m stepping out on Your word.
Into the alleys
Into the byways
Into the streets
And the roads
And the highways
Past rumour mongers
And midnight ramblers
Past the liars and the cheaters and the gamblers
On Your word, on your word.
On the wonderful word of the Son of God.
I’m stepping out on Your word.
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Living in CHAOS
But my old box from the loft, in use for over 20 years, still had a couple of dozen handmade cards in it. Enough for this year. Top Tip if you are using an assortment of cards, begin by matching every one to its envelope before you write anything! They shuffle themselves in the box and if you are not careful you end up trimming the side of the last stable scene to fit the only envelope vaguely big enough!