Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright…

DSCF5307Going through St Pancras Station, to and from my WWDP committee, yesterday, I saw these enthusiastic girls collecting to Save The Tiger. Having made a donation, I asked if I could take photos of their Tiger


This magnificent sculpture is made from over 300 recycled plastic milk bottles! My dreams of turning lemonade bottles into blossoms seem quite manageable in comparison to this magnificent creation!


Thank you girls for your cheerful demeanour – station concourses are not the warmest places to spend your day [even with a tiger hat on]


  1. Wow - how fantastic! We have three tigers (mum, dad and growing cub) at the safari park near us, and we love to visit them. I hope that their enclosure is extended soon (building work is going on, so this is a realistic hope) but just seeing them is a reminder of how wonderful they are, and that we have to care about them in the wild, too.

  2. I have most alarmingly been asked to speak at a friend's church for next year's WWDP. I accepted provisionally based purely on the fact that I know someone on the WWDP committee on whom I will be heavily relying in the event of said friend not being able to find anybody good!

  3. Who can tell what hand or eye framed this tiger's fearful symmetry? He's gorgeous.


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