Sunday, 25 January 2015

Finally, brothers (and sisters), goodbye…

… Keep on growing to maturity. Continue agreeing with each other and living in peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.   [2 Corinthians 13;11]

Although the van arrives tomorrow, Bob’s final service at KMFC was last Sunday evening. It was a pretty emotional day – much weeping from me [and some from other folk too] The evening service was a “Churches Together” event – and it was great that so many of the Anglicans and Roman Catholics from the village were there, along with friends from other nearby churches- Baptists and URC, along with lots of folk from our own congregation.

P1000559After Bob had pronounced the Benediction [above] Tom, our Rector came to the platform and asked me to join them. [thanks, Liam, for grabbing my camera to take these pictures for me] We were given flowers and a gift token from the other churches, and the Pastors present came and prayed for us as we move on to Ferndown. It was a very special moment for us both.


Tom spoke of the things we had been involved in – Get In The picture, Carols in the Pub, Village Fun Day etc- then asked people if there were other things Bob had done.

A woman called out “He married me!” and the another “He married me!” and another, and another… [it was a bit like “I am Spartacus”] Then Samuel said “He dedicated me” and Cameron shouted “He baptised me- last week!” [I was waiting for someone to say “He cremated me” but fortunately nobody did]

Bob’s last KMFC sermon was tremendous, based on Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians [ch 3;14-21] He said his prayer, for the church in Kirby and the other friends present was that they should be

Thirsty, Hungry, Angry and Impatient.

Thirsty for God

Hungry for Righteousness

Angry about Injustice

Impatient for the Lord’s Return

It has been a joy and privilege to be here for almost twenty years – and whilst we recognise God’s call to move on, we will continue to hold a very special place in our hearts for these dear friends who have loved and supported us for so long.


  1. How lovely of the other churches to give you both leaving gifts and prayers. It must have been quite emotional. Good luck with tomorrow. Hope you're not driving as I suspect there will be many people waving you off and it will be difficult to see through the floods of tears. Have a safe journey.
    Best wishes to you both

  2. Saying a prayer for you this morning that your move will go smoothly and you will soon have friends in Dorset...AND those in Leicestershire.

  3. Lovely to see you yesterday, what a send off!
    Love the framed photo of KM castle!
    My thoughts are with you both for a safe, uneventful journey to your new home,new jobs, new congregation and friends. I wish you joy and peace and good health. xxx

    1. Thanks SO much for coming, and for bringing a gift. I am sorry we did not have time to chat longer - it was really hard to get to speak to everyone!!! It has been lovely having you as a blogfriend AND as a friend-in-the-next village. Hope you and the chickens keep well xx

  4. Good Luck with moving day. God always goes ahead of you to prepare the place.
    Make sure you know where the kettle is!

  5. What a lovely send off. Good luck with the move, I'm sure you'll soon settle in, best wishes, Vee x

  6. I have been reading your blog for a while. We have friends in common.

    I do hope that all goes well with your move to lovely Dorset. I know you will be missed in KM.

    Take care and be back bloging soon. Will wait to hear how you are getting on at your new Church.

  7. What a lovely lovely send off. Very special. You don't always see your legacy but God gave you a glimpse of it there. Hope you are not too much of a snot bucket as you leave x

  8. Good luck and God bless, xxx

  9. I was thinking about you and Bob this morning in church as we were singing Cornerstone!!! Wishing you the very best for your move and new ministry in Dorset, I look forward to hearing all about it. x x


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