Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Let Them Eat Cake!

There will be lots of photos when I am back in Dorset and properly unpacked - but we are taking 36 hours at Cornerstones to recover from all the excitement. 
Here's Gary, Fiona and the young Waiting Staff, all from Kirby Muxloe Free Church who did so much to make the reception really special. I cannot thank them enough. Fiona has been a friend since Bob married her [and her husband Steve!] nearly 20 years ago. Gary has been friends for a very long time too. And I remember each of the three teenagers being born! They served the food so graciously, and impressed everyone with their attitude. Gary has blogged about it here
But not everybody could be invited to the reception - and I have to thank those folk at KMFC who made and served the cupcakes and cordials immediately after the ceremony to everyone who had been at the church. It gave us a chance to chat - and made it easier for Gemma the photographer, to organise her pictures.
And for the good friends who couldn't be there at all, I have followed the ancient tradition of sending a slice of wedding cake. I spent Monday morning slicing, wrapping, [and delivering to some Norfolk friends]

I suspect the Wedding Euphoria is going to last for a while longer.


  1. That is lovely. My friends did something similar with cup cakes for her reception. X

  2. You were blessed with such a nice waiting staff that I am sure made such a difference to the reception. Oh what I would give for a piece of that traditional English wedding cake. Looking forward to your wedding photos when you are able.

    Take care.

    1. Less than one in 5 brides now has a 'trad' wedding cake. and nearly half now have cupcakes instead. Steph and Mark had cupcakes at the church, and a trad cake at the reception.

  3. I love the cake. Do you like being in Dorset? I have visited a few times and really liked it. Seems like worlds from here in the North West.

    Sorry, not been looking at blogs for ages but came across your link from another one I was commenting on. I hope you have a wonderful new life there in Dorset.

    1. We are loving Dorset, thank you for asking! It is very different - good to be near the sea again. And we have been made very welcome both by church friends and by our neighbours!

  4. You need that 36 hours rest! xxx


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