Driving back from London early on Sunday, I listened to the Morning Service on Radio 4, introduced by Krish Kandiah of the London School of Theology. The whole theme of the service was “Adoption and Grace” and marked the start of National Adoption Week
I have to say that I found the words of some of the contributors incredibly moving. Parenthood [and family life generally] can be hard sometimes – and those who willingly take on the care of a child as an adoptive or foster parent have my true respect and admiration.
The theme of NAW this year is “Too old at 4?” – one website says that older children waiting to be adopted are often likely to be in sibling groups or to have additional needs and there is currently a shortage of adoptive parents coming forward for these children.
Sadly, sibling groups, those with complex needs and children from black and minority ethnic families are amongst the children who wait longest to be adopted. During National Adoption Week 2015 local authorities, adoption agencies, and all who work in adoption, will be working together to highlight the plight of these vulnerable children and to help them find ‘forever families’. David Cameron singled out adoption in his conference speech - but it should be remembered that only recently the British Association for Adoption and Fostering had to close due to lack of funding.
We love our families; whether it's the ones we're born into or the friends we make for ourselves. But it's easy to forget that there are others who aren't as fortunate. This important week reminds us there are children out there waiting to be taken in by someone who will make them part of their own family unit. Adoptive parents need to be patient, and dedicated to offering someone lifelong love and support.
It's a huge responsibility, but one that comes with great rewards.
God bless all those who take on this responsibility, and the children who are able to become part of loving adoptive families. God forgive us that there are still so many children on waiting lists …
We have a lovely family at school who foster and adopt children and the empathy of the little boy who is their natural born son, is so lovely- he really cares about his extra siblings.