Tuesday, 4 April 2023

At The Repair Café

Repair is definitely the theme for this week. Sunday I posted a prayer to repair the world, yesterday I introduced The Repair Shop  The Restoration Station. And On Sunday I spent four hours at the Village Hall where I go for my craft group, at the Repair Café.
I was at the mending table - I worked on 3 aprons which needed longer ties, and then did an invisible darn on this argyll pattern sweater.
It was quite a busy time- I never got round to taking photographs outside, in the sunshine where people were mending tools and bikes, and sharpening blades. My friend's husband came in wielding a huge axe!
One of my blue quilts was on display, draped over the unsightly [non-working] electric organ - but I didn't snap that either.
The cakes were amazing, and the filled rolls delicious.
Jane sold lots of her seed packets for peace[raising money for Amnesty]
Bob had some positive conversations about the Men's Shed Project. 
It was lovely to see the community coming together, collaborating in such a positive way.

UPDATE; Monday morning's Holiday Club was brilliant. 29 children booked in, everything ran very smoothly. Thank you for all the encouraging messages!


  1. What a worthwhile 4 hours, restoring items to continue to be useful. We have a friend in another area who mends small appliances in a similar enterprise.

    1. It was lovely seeing all the sharpened tools and mended garments

  2. I so admire your time management skills! You pack such a lot into a week and you've a husband to look after!

    1. Thank you. Much of the time he seems to be looking after me!! Since retirement, Bob has been able to do more of the cooking, which is great. We work at things together a lot of the tine

  3. I've never seen or heard of a repair/mending event here. Most people just throw broken items away. I knew a young woman was going to toss an almost new shirt because a button was lost! Just a plain white button, so I found one in my box and replaced it for her. I'd be very happy to be part of a repair event like yours! I fix everything that I can.

    1. That was a kind deed, Celie. Maybe next time she will think again before throwing something away!

  4. Sounds like such a worthwhile event, Angela! I, too, marvel at your time management skills!

    1. It was such a lovely community atmosphere. Thank you Bless

  5. Hi Ang! Ah, what a lovely thing to be part of!
    Well done for saving these items from chucking! I have a lovely pair of wooden sunglasses that got their frames cracked and my friend Nick glued them back together. It was amazing! He sent me pics of them 'in surgery'!
    I'm not sure if anyone could save my walking boot that fell apart on the Pennine Way yesterday! The left sole came off after 14.5miles of bog trekking (thank God, near a road! I was rescued in the car by the sister of the bunkhouse owner where we had last minute booked in due to awful camping weather conditions)have to bin them as I can't carry them! Luckily got some new ones in Malham today!

  6. Twas I, Kezzie x

    1. Have a fantastic Easter holiday Kezzie (&C.)


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