Friday 27 September 2024


Catriona suggested my mice should have a little tag stating they were hand made. Bob offered to make me some with his laser cutter. He went out to the workshop and a short time later cane back with a handful of twelve wooden tags.  They are so cute- less than 50mm x 25mm, 2mm thick and I can write the mouse name on the back. Much smarter than just a bit of cardboard or a sticky label. [Thanks Bob] Each mouse also has a storycard. It's all coming together very nicely at my 31:13 shop

I've loved crafting all my life - sewing, knitting, papercrafts, embroidery and more.I admit to being a hoarder- collecting  scraps that other people discard and turning them into beautiful and useful things.  Now I'm retired, and living in a beautiful part of the country, I have more time to sit and stitch, and I want to share my creativity with others, at an affordable price.

My grandmother taught me crafting skills when I was a child, and she was a woman of faith. My shop is called 31:13 because there is a verse in the bible (Proverbs chapter 31 verse 13) , about a woman who "finds wool and fine linen and works with eager hands" 

My shop's logo is a play on those numbers - the butterfly reflects the idea of metamorphosis into a new, beautiful life.

Oops! The site is not proving user friendly to some people accessing on phones. I shall work on that over the weekend. But for now, it may help to click on the menu box [white square, 3 horizontal lines] and select SHOP from the drop down list of options. Or if on a laptop hold down Control key and press minus at same time, to zoom out. 

Thanks Mary for flagging this up. 


  1. Thank you for the explanation about the origin of 31:13 and your logo. How lovely and so appropriate! BTW thanks to your blog, my granddaughter is now reading the first Peanut Jones book and enjoying it immensely. Charmaine

    1. Thanks Charmaine. Good to hear of another grandchild enjoying reading too!

  2. I'm sure your mice will fly out of your shop - now there's a thought - an aviator mouse! - with goggles - although goodness knows how you would make goggles!

    1. Oh now you've got me thinking....Bob made some brilliant steampunk goggles πŸ₯½to go with a Mr Toad costume 🐸I was making once. And that bag of leather scraps might yield something appropriate for a flying jacket.l and helmet. Biggles Mouse!!! (Or Amelia Earhart Mouse) 🐭 No. The complexity of a flying helmet with apertures for mouse ears would take hours to design and create ...πŸ›©️

  3. The tags are beautiful. Can he use Balsa wood on his laser cutter as sometimes I have Balsa wood Charlie Bigham containers and wonder if something can be done with them to reuse! Kx

    1. He says it will cut balsa. I didn't realise CBs pies came in balsa containers

    2. Not pies but ready meals.x

  4. It's great that each of your cute mice gets a name.
    In general, the mice are brilliant... and your logo is particularly brilliant... I wish you much success. What could be better than bringing joy to others!
    A loving hug comes to you from Viola

  5. Thank you having trouble opening your blog this morning. Will try again later,so I can find out more about your finished quilt ❤️

  6. Your mice are so cute! I hope they sell well.

  7. I can imagine that a lot of Christmas stockings will contain mice this year!

  8. What a lovely idea. The tags are perfect to finish off your sweet mice.

  9. The tags are truly the icing on the cake but a story with each mouse is going to be a lot of extra work for you. They will sell like hot cakes for sure, and deservedly so. JanF

    1. The little stories are not very long, and easy to write!

  10. Well done Team Almond. I love the little story and tag that hoes with each mouse! They will sell quickly to people who appreciate handmade items. Catriona

    1. I hadn't thought about the tag thing, till YOU suggested it. And my 'shedman' came up with the idea of neat little wooden ones. So thank you again!!🐭

  11. You could add one last thing....a little bag for the mouse to creep into when it is tired. It might also save it getting lost. More sewing........

    1. I had wondered about bags. But that's more sewing!

    2. You could look on Etsy for organza ready made bags?

    3. That's a possibility. Thank youπŸ‘

  12. Those little tags are very classy!

  13. The wooden tags are the perfect finishing touch to your beautiful mice. They really highlight the quality. You and Bob make a brilliant team. ❤️


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