Saturday 28 June 2014

5K, 50K, 500K

This week I did Year 1 supply in two different schools. The second [yesterday] was covering a teacher unexpectedly absent, with no work prepared. The class had visited the local Sikh Gurdwara in Thursday afternoon, so it was suggested that I might like to spend the morning talking about the trip and getting them to produce a ‘recount’ [that means ‘write a report’ in normal English] It was clear that they were not too sure about what they had seen, but they did know there were ‘5Ks’ [read about it here]


So in the lunch hour, I made a ‘cube-net’, which the Teaching Assistant copied during afternoon registration – and then we all made little 5K cubes [ design, technology, art, craft,maths and RE! They just don’t pay me enough]


The children worked really hard and produced a tower of cubes

That is the 5K of this week

The 50K came on Thursday – driving home from school, my little old blue Matiz  [December 2002]  actually clocked up 50,000 miles.

I was passing the church at the time – so I stopped and photographed the milometer in front of me, and the new KMFC noticeboard alongside me. [spot our little QR code in the corner]


It seemed quite pleasing to be in this spot as the car reached this stage in its life. I hope it has plenty more miles in it yet. And the 500K?

I was really tired coming home from school so I stopped at a Polish shop, and bought a huge doughnut for 49p.


That has to be about 500 calories – glazed with sugar icing, and candied orange peel, filled with a glossy rich custard… I cut it in half and shared it with Bob. I did so enjoy it with my after-school cuppa.


  1. I love the box idea. I might have to pinch it for our weekend homeschool project of butterflies. I'm thinking the life cycle
    X x

  2. What a sweet idea for the 5ks! X

  3. Our local polish shops are fantastic, there's one near work and my co workers come back with lovely cakes

  4. It's not always easy to arrive in a strange class with nothing planned! But it looks as though you succeeded brilliantly.

  5. I'm not a fan of donuts but, that one looks really tasty!
    Well done on the teaching front, there is no end to your talents!
    Have a good weekend.

  6. They really don't pay you enough! You're awesome! I can't imagine not having emergency plans prepared for an unexpected absence, but you saved the day! Oh, that pastry looks delicious!

  7. I'm impressed by the vegetarian free food that the Sikhs daily provide for anybody in need wherever there is a Gudwara. . I wonder what Ian Duncan Smith makes of these given his recent negative comments on UK Foodbanks. .


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