Friday 6 February 2015

If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?

Here are four pictures of the new garden – two taken from our bedroom window, one morning blanketed in snow, and the next day, fresh and green. There are snowdrops and crocus flowers blooming, and signs of daffodils on the way.

garden feb 2015

Behind the big spiky plant on the left [is it a cordyline?] is a slabbed area. We plan to put a shed here, purchased with our Leaving Gift from KMFC [thank you friends] Bob’s never had a shed before, and seems remarkably excited about the prospect.

I am excited about having a real hearth in the lounge. We’ve been given some firewood, and it was fantastic to sit watching the flames the other evening. I am excited about the prospect of a toasting fork and crumpets! Childhood memories of winter evenings…


Those superb bouquets came from our two churches, old and new. Thank you everyone for a loving farewell and a truly warm welcome.


  1. Mmm, toast made by a real fire, that brings back memories!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Like you x

  3. There's nothing quite like a log fire on a cold winter's evening!
    Jane x

  4. OOoh, the garden is cool, lucky you!!!! xx

  5. Home is where the hearth is! Fine times ahead for you, I'm sure. x


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