Sunday, 29 March 2020

More Virtual Church

Things are improving as we get into the swing of this. The Norfolk Service had a bigger congregation this week. After we finished the service at Ferndown, we had a Zoom after-church coffee session. That was fun, seeing the smiling faces of our friends and catching up on news. Here are some links. [why does YouTube always freeze on terrible facial expressions?]
A short sermon
And prayers
Jesus said "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them". That includes gathering round our screens in this strange new world. If you are feeling isolated, remember that you can still join with others to worship and pray. 
God bless you all


  1. Our bishop sent this. I think you and Bob will enjoy it.
    "Whenever two or three are in self-isolation in my name, I am in the midst of them with about six feet between us."
    Happy Sunday.

  2. thank you- I have watched both weeks and it is such a joy to have the two of you providing such moments- until next Sunday, I remain (and send you my hopes and prayers that you will stay well)-

  3. That is a lovely sermon! Yes, we do it for Jesus when we help others.xx

  4. Another lovely sermon and prayer; thank you, Bob and Angela.


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