Wednesday 6 January 2021

Getting Out And About

The family is working hard to keep well - including getting out and getting fresh air when we can. Gaz and Steph have always enjoyed running - and now George is involved too, riding in his special running-buggy. Here he is smiling, after his first running trip round Chorlton on Christmas Day. I fully expect this little lad to grow up very keen on sport. Steph's FIL has set himself a challenge to walk 1200 miles in 2021 - but I suspect he will end up doing far more than that. 

Rosie too likes getting out and about - especially the seaside and the countryside. "We are not made of sugar, Grandma" she tells me, whenever I mutter about the rain in my face, or the cold wind at may back. Bob and I have been doing our best - but don't have quite the same energy levels as the younger family members. Often, by the time the important tasks are finished, it is too dark to venture outside.

We did go out on Sunday afternoon - to Slop Bog - A local Nature Reserve and SSSI with a sadly unimaginative name. As we traversed the sphagnum moss, on the well maintained boardwalk, we looked at all the cows - and I was amused to see a sign saying "Cows on Site" - they are quite big and fairly obvious. Surely nobody would mistake them for the dragonflies, lizards, frogs or woodpeckers? This is a good place to walk, and the information boards are very helpful.

Liz sent a great picture from their Sunday walk, taken shortly before Rosie ran towards the flock shouting "I'm the Queen of the Ducks!"

I understand the problems caused by ill-considered feeding of wildlife. Full marks to all those places where they make bags of appropriate duck-food available to visitors. I guess that in these complex times, that isn't possible. 

My friend Cat has been posting great pictures of her daily walks in Glasgow - and another, Glen, writes a witty little poem every morning as he walks his dog. 

How are you getting exercise? What do you miss? And what new activities have you discovered in the last year?


  1. I've actually started to exercise more in the last few months. So far it's just been walking but today I found myself looking at on-line work outs suitable for those of advancing years and deteriorating bodies. So far just looking at a video was enough to wear me out. Maybe tomorrow.

    1. "Just walking" is better than doing nothing

  2. Happy New Year Angela and Bob. I think Joe Wicks returns on Monday. I'm still 'pacing', post-Covid but getting there slowly but surely. My young family are outdoors everyday, very early on account of an early-rising baby! We're not allowed to go further than a 5mile radius at the moment, even for exercise, so sticking close to home again. It's a pain.x

    1. Happy new year to you and yours. Praying especially for young mums with new babies right now..

  3. I am using my small hand weights a few times a week, I do stretches daily and I'm back doing some chair yoga via Youtube.
    And then I walk! I go by myself, I walk with the occasional friend and my church is starting a walking group which will meet every few weeks - outdoors, socially distanced and wearing a mask!
    I am very lucky in that I live across the street from a river that is within a large city park and walking trail, I'm two quick subway stops away from another huge park (High Park Toronto) and there is a very large cemetery with beautiful grounds 5 minutes up the road.
    When my friend in my bubble drives we can head down to two different walking trail along Lake Ontario - I am very, very lucky!
    In fact, as soon as I finish typing this I am about to get dressed and join my friend for an early morning walk!
    Enjoy your day.

    1. A church walking group sounds good. I'm not sure my friends would manage the social distancing thoigh

  4. It's nice to see everyone doing their best to get out and about. So far, I have stayed close to home, walking in the garden.

    1. And what a beautiful garden you have, Bless- I am glad you have somewhere safe, and lovely, so close at hand

  5. I'd just got well enough to go back to the gym at the beginning of November... We try to walk every day, and yesterday I remembered where I had packed the ancient Wii Fit. So it's retro fitness fun here 🙂


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