Thursday 4 November 2021

Happy Birthday, Old Man!

Today Bob becomes an OAP and has his Seniors' Bus Pass bus pass [and soon his State Pension will arrive] 

Rather than posting photos, I am sharing the picture which Steph gave us on our Wedding Anniversary in the Summer. Look at the detail in this, so much which represents who we are, and how we spend our time

guitar, tool kit, sewing machine, books, wool, computer, cafetiere, bunting, more books, woodworking tools, sewing machine, laptop, dolls, Lego,toys, bunting, crosswords, Rosie's yellow bathtime duck..he's in a jumper and chinos, I'm in a striped Breton top and jeans. Our study, our crafts, my blogging, his music, and the time we spend with children [our grandchildren and others too] are all reflected in this picture. And decent, fresh coffee...

It's very cleverly done [Steph and Gaz have one of these, and so do Liz and Jon]

They are produced by an artist called Katie Randall, inspired by her daughter Florence, who has Down's Syndrome. Florence is the reason Katie began creating bespoke prints, knowing that life should be about championing our differences, and honouring all that comes from you being you.

Keen to celebrate these differences, and knowing all too well the struggle required to nail that perfect group photograph, seven years ago Katie set about drawing a picture of her own family instead. Her eldest son bedecked in his favourite football kit, her youngest son donning his adored dressing up outfit, and Florence holding her treasured doll. Upon receiving endless compliments—and commissions from friends—from this initial family portrait Katie decided to take the next step and turn her hobby into a business, and Little Florence was born. The site is easy to navigate and there are so many options to choose from, to make a bespoke picture.

It is a rather different, but very special sort of family picture, and I love it.  I love too the fact that buying this is helping a small family-run business, and enabling another woman to use her artistic gifts.

Bob's birthday celebrations will be relatively quiet today - just him and me*. Obviously there will not be a large cake. But I pray that God will continue to bless and strengthen him in the years ahead, as we enjoy the adventure of retirement. [* perhaps we will go for a free bus ride!]


  1. Happy birthday, Bob! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and may there be many more to come!

  2. Wishing Bob a very Happy Special Birthday. Love the picture.

    1. It's cool isn't it? A good website for a personalised gift.

  3. Many happy returns Bob! Hope you have a lovely day.

  4. What a lovely picture. I hope you both have a great day. I have yet to apply for my bus pass as we are still avoiding public transport at moment. Had a very unpleasant experience on a packed train from Birmingham with hardly anyone wearing a mask.

    1. I have not done many bus rides, but they all seem to be masked round here on the buses still

  5. I like the idea of the free bus ride to commemorate the day - you could go up on top and have a picnic. Happy Birthday Bob and what a lovely picture.

    1. It is SO wet and windy today. We have deferred that idea!

  6. Happy Birthday Bob! Enjoy that bus pass. May God take you both to wonderful places and experiences.
    Love the picture.

  7. Wishing Bob a Happy Birthday. A free bus ride sounds like fun, somewhere you have not been before. The card is magnificent and how lovely the story which goes with it.
    I was amazed at all the detail in it.

  8. Happy birthday Bob. That picture is first rate.

  9. A Happy Birthday to Bob! I really like that picture!

  10. Happy Birthday, Bob, from your Northern Irish friends! We hope you'll soon be much better. May you both be enormously blessed, and enjoy many free trips!

  11. How nice to get a free bus pass! I so hope Bob had a lovely birthday. You guys will never cease to be lively and fun! Did Bob and Jolly talk about retirement? I fear Jolly is going to struggle a bit, but maybe after his wife is chosen for him (LOL!) he'll have to embrace a different kind of active life! That card is darling! I love it!

  12. Belated birthday greetings!
    I hope you had a smashing day!

  13. A wonderful picture! I clocked the Breton stripes first and thought, "Yep, that's Ang!"
    Happy belated birthday Bob.

  14. Belated happy birthday Bob! I love the picture! Enjoy those bus passes. Mac received his in September, I’ve got to wait another year, hoping by then it’s safe to use the bus around here (Next to no masks worn 😳)

  15. Belated Happy birthday Bob! Love the picture!



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