Tuesday 2 November 2021

Smashing Pumpkins

Life is very up-and-down at the moment. Yesterday morning was great, first we had a visit from Alison and Steve, two very dear Dorset friends, enjoying their first holiday in Norfolk - and then my brother Adrian called in on as he was passing through. 

After lunch Bob suggested we went for a drive, and we stopped for a cup of tea, at a venue which had just hosted a half-term-halloween-pumpkin-festival. That finished yesterday

There were hundreds of pumpkins left apparently to rot, in the field. And a wheelbarrow full of them outside the café. Free to a Gourd Home said the sign [ugh!] I took the smallest. It is 24cm in in diameter and weighs 3.85kg. I'm sure I can make soup or something with it [we don't really like pumpkin pie]

We stopped at Sainsbury's for fuel and a few food items. And I dropped my phone in the carpark, smashing the screen. It's just one corner, but I know the cracks will spread. I shall have to replace it. Unfortunately Bob's phone packed up last week, so we have already shelled out for one new phone this month!

But it is only a phone [for the record, I have never ever smashed a phone screen before. I have baptised one, and all the others have lived until their batteries packed up] 

I should perhaps change the title to "Pumpkins, Smashing"


  1. Shame about the phone. Can you not get it repaired= just the screen replaced. Here in NZ there are lots of places that will do that

  2. The pumpkin wastage makes me really sad. CBC wanted to carve a turban squash we have had lurking in the cupboard a year which is very wasteful of us but we got put off them as we both got toxic squash syndrome from our home grown turban squash so we both have a bit of an aversion to them- guilt by association and all that- so, though I loathe anything to do with the H word, I let him do it to get it out the cupboard and into the compost once done. He had definite Fomo.
    Nice you had visitors.
    I cracked the back of my phone when we were in Northumberland in July as it slipped out my pocket but managed to buy a phone cover for the back so it is covered off. Very grateful it is the back. CBC has repaired his front screen 3 times as we have a local guy who can do it. I do miss my old HTC phone which was invincible. I dropped it onto concrete so many times but it just didn't seem to do anything to it!

  3. Could you get the screen replaced?

  4. Hope you get the mobile sorted - if it is insured you can I believe gat a new screen free.
    Re: the pumpkins - such waste...everywhere these days in so many ways.

    1. Insurance excess makes it not financially viable

  5. Oh dear - how frustrating about the phone!
    I made carrot, red lentil and pumpkin soup last week and it is delicious. I use cumin, coriander and smoky paprika to give it a really warming flavour.
    I do like pumpkin pie but if it's not to your taste then please try pumpkin muffins or loaf - they are a very moist treat and the spices used just seem to "fit" for this time of year.

    1. I like the sound of that soup very much - and all ingredients I have to hand!

  6. Our local grocery store had a huge display of pumpkins. The largest must have weighed over 100 lbs, easily!

    I believe the carving pumpkins are really not v. good to eat, the pies are made from 'sugar pumpkins' they look the same but do not carve well.

  7. Wishing you a greater proportion of ups! Cheers

  8. Can I recommend some humble Sellotape? My phone was partially smashed, then wholly smashed and I have the whole thing wrapped in Sellotape now. Still works, still swipes, still take (only sometime fuzzy) pictures. I'm fed up with phones and everything just now, so am determined to make do with this mend! I have a lovely recipe for soup if you want it?

    1. Yes please, can you email me the soup recipe Mags (during some quiet moment when Jolly your House Guest is otherwise occupied)

    2. Coming your way tomorrow xxxx

    3. Recipe arrived safely 👍

  9. Sorry about your phone! Hope you can continue to use it for a bit longer.

    Such a waste of the pumpkins and the resources used to grow them! Maybe they will become compost, if left in place long enough, and nourish the earth!

    1. Compost is probably the "least worst" option

  10. What beautiful pumpkins. Sorry about your phone, they are quite fragile, aren't they?

    1. Everything round here feels a little fragile right now


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