Sunday 20 February 2022

Look Again At Lent

Just a quick heads up about a future blog-event. For the six Sundays of Lent [starting March 6th] I'm planning some 'pauses' as in previous years. I didn't do it in in 2021 - the Pandemic threw everything into disarray for most of us, plus I was concentrating on moving into a new stage of life. 

But this year, inspired by my #word365, I want to look again at what Lent means for me. 

If you'd like to participate, there's an explanation here from 2020. Do add a comment below. You can be a writer or a reader, and there's no obligation to post every week - just as and when. And feel free to use the graphic as a header for your posts.


  1. I will definitely read your posts, Angela.

    1. Thank you Bless - I always appreciate your thoughtful comments, which come from a different faith perspective.

  2. I will certainly read and think about what this new spring brings. I may not comment often, but I always read your posts and find them very thoughtful. Celie

    1. Thank you Celie. I hope you will find the Lent readings helpful

  3. Very much a reader, here, Angela but I am looking firward to looking again at Lent. X

  4. Always read, will try to write. Now and then if I may.

  5. I think I might like to write a weekly Lenten reflection. Hopefully, my mind won't go blank when the time comes.


Always glad to hear from you - thanks for stopping by!
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