Monday 9 May 2022

Our Grandson Is Two


You love cars

... books

.... Grandad
... .chillin ' out, watching TV and chatting on the phone

...doing important stuff with big cousin Rosie

... eating birthday cake which Mum has made, 

...we can't believe it is two years since you arrived
And like you, we are really looking forward to the arrival of your new baby brother in August.
Happy birthday, George -  God bless you today and always


  1. Happy Birthday George! Another boy! So Liz will have all girls and Steph all boys!

  2. That looks like a happy, active, lively lad. And he has a wonderful grandma. Happy Birthday George

  3. What a dear little boy he has grown up to be, and soon to be a big brother! That's exciting news.

    1. We are very excited about the arrival of Grandchild #4

  4. Yay! You're rich in the grandest way! I am sorting things to put in Jolly's envelope but then he and Elizabeth are coming your way. I bet Rosie will find it interesting. Maybe George, too!

  5. Happy birthday to your grandson!

  6. Even though your girls live far apart they are doing their best to keep the cousins close and seem to meet up frequently!
    A growing and loving family!

    1. We do our best to keep in touch with each other - grateful for WhatsApp!


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