Monday, 10 June 2024

Just One Thing

Such sad news about Dr Michael Mosley. I did not know him personally - but listened to him on TV and radio, read his books, and even tried his diet plans. I particularly enjoyed his "Just One Thing" programme. I did briefly attempt the cold shower thing, but decided against that becoming a daily habit. 
I do believe he was a good man, who genuinely wanted to help other people to live happier, healthier lives. He always came across as kind and caring, with a good sense of humour.
My thoughts and prayers are for his widow Clare, their four children, and his many grieving friends right now. And with the people of Symi - a tiny island now overwhelmed with media coverage. They really pulled together to search for him [one of their police officers fell and broke his leg] and this is not the outcome anyone was hoping for.
Thank you Michael - for challenging so many of us to think seriously about the way we eat.RIP


  1. Yes, so sad. I used to listen to 'Just one thing' but it would seem strange to do so now. His family and the whole community will be feeling devastated.

  2. Like you I did not know him personally but because they come into our homes regularly through newspaper articles r tv appearances we feel connected. I am just sad that all his various health tips will not help him live a long life. Another lesson to all of us to make the most of every day. Pam

  3. I hadn't heard of him but it's very sad. Kx

  4. What a beautiful post for Michael Moseley, Ang. It says all I would have wanted to say-thank you. 🥲 Catriona

  5. Very sad news. My thoughts are with his family. Regards Sue H

  6. So sad, you echo my feelings exactly.

  7. I obviously didn't know him personally but he was a thoughtful and informed doctor. I was hoping he would be found but it was not to be. The searchers on the island really did so much to find him, they should be praised but I have already read criticisms of them not finding him earlier.
    Life is fragile. Rest in peace Michael Moseley.

    1. 😢 This is neither the time nor the place for criticism, in my opinion. We, who were not there, do not know the full circumstances.

  8. It was such sad news to hear wasn't it.

  9. It was very sad to read of his death, his widow and children will be grieving for him. He had an episode of ill health when he was swimming in a very cold sea and ended up in hospital, I wonder if something similar happened with the heat. And only 67, no age these days. Hugs Xx

  10. I was sorry to hear about this tragedy. He will be missed by those who followed his TV and articles, but most of all by family. May they be comforted.

  11. A lovely tribute to Dr Michael Mosley. My heart feels for his family but I am also so glad you mentioned the people of Symi who will also have been overwhelmed by all the attention. Just a very sad day for all involved.


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