Thursday, 16 July 2009

Don't Put Your Daughter On the Stage, Mrs W...

I arrived at church hall around 8.30am today, to find David already working on the stage refurbishment. By 9.15, there were about a dozen folk sitting round sorting out all the craft materials and worksheets for Holiday Club. So many people turned up that we were all done and dusted by 10.30 and able to adjourn to the Coffee Drop In upstairs.

DSCF0008 This may not look like much - but it represents eight groups crafts for five days all counted out and ready to go. Lion masks, bobblehead kings etc, all bagged and tagged.


DSCF0009 Every group also gets its own box of basic equipment - pens, scissors, glue-stick, sellotape etc.

After the coffee break, I set about preparing the new stage curtains.


It was a very large piece of fabric - 5 metres by 3 metres, which had to be cut in half and have the edges finished.

Here are the two Davids working on the stage front.


After I had overlocked the edges, Val and Bob did careful measuring and calculations to work out where to put the curtain clips.

Then the little bungee loops had to be threaded through and the two curtains hung from the scaffolding pole.


Bob had to disconnect one end, whilst David supported the pole, then every loop had to be threaded on.

I was too short to be of any great help at this point! So I just took photos.

The stage looks  much better now it has curtains, and the cupboard doors are concealed.

The curtain fabric is lovely - thick, heavy, black 'Molton' fabric, feels pleasant, and it is fireproof - we got it from Thomann in Germany, a company Bob uses quite a bit for PA gear, so it is good stuff.

Everything I hoped to achieve was done by 12.45, due to the amount of willing helpers - so I could come home and do some more sewing! I'm so grateful to be part of such a committed team like this.

I should have taken pictures of tonight's meal but I ate it instead- but we had broad beans and potatoes from the garden! Quite excited to be eating food I have grown myself.


  1. Well fancy eating the photograph! It is so good to eat what one has grown, isnt it?
    Your holiday Club sounds so well organised, I remember doing a similar thing for my Brownie pack, many years ago!

  2. My garden produce is tiny yet. I am glad your fruits are ready to harvest!

  3. So well organized! I wish I could of been there to help.

    Home grown veggies! THE BEST! :)


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