Saturday, 4 July 2009

Lady In Red

DSCF0014-1 Another hot day. Dashed over to the bank in a nearby village to pay in some cheques. I thought it opened on a Saturday. But it doesn't. It does however, have signs outside saying "Natwest, helpful banking" and "600 of our branches are open Saturdays". But not this one, unfortunately! Tried not to get hot and bothered about it, and nipped into the Charity Shop to cool down. Found a lovely Monsoon dress for only £4, which seemed an absolute bargain. It doesn't look terribly good on the hanger, I admit, but when I tried it on, it fitted beautifully! So I bought it, and ignored inner voices reminding me about mortgages. A girl needs a treat sometimes!

DSCF0014 When I got home, I remembered that we had some pink grapefruit drink in the cupboard. I chilled it in the fridge and served it over ice with our lunch. It was gorgeous. We bought this back in the autumn, in Wensleydale, and I put it aside to share with Liz and Steph at Christmas. Then forgot. Sorry girls!

Not sure why is it "The Mortician's Pamplemousse Juice" - but it tasted fabulous. The stopper popped alarmingly loudly when Bob opened it, like vintage champagne!


So we had a very french sort of lunch, with a salmon and creme fraiche tarte, melon and strawberries, and this amazing drink.

Then Bob suggested that we should pop into Leicester and pay in the cheques there, and collect something he had ordered form Maplin.

So after lunch we set off. Realised I was in a red top and pink jeans, wearing hat with pink scarf. Definitely a red and pink day.


  1. Trust me - mortgage payments are ALWAYS less painful when you're nicely dressed - LOL!! Love the new frock :)

  2. That's an encouraging thought - thanks for the comment!!

  3. I'll reserve judgement on the dress until I see it on ;-) The colour/pattern look good for you though. xxx


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