Friday, 24 August 2012

Today's Top Royal Story–With Pictures!


The Leicester Mercury has the story today– as does the BBC. King Richard III may be buried under one of our City Centre Car Parks [along with Shergar and Lord Lucan?]

jason Senior / Grey Friars Car Park on New Street Leicester .


This interesting monarch, who lost his life at the Battle Of Bosworth in 1485 [see this post] may possibly have been given a Christian Burial by the Grey Friars whose Friary was situated here.

While the rest of the UK is looking at pictures of a current royal, here in Leicestershire we are more interested in what happened 500 years ago!

Did you see my title and expect something different then?


  1. Ooh, this is exciting..will you please keep us up to date?
    Jane x

  2. It's also in The Telegraph today.
    No Ang, we knew you wouldnt stoop to the Sun levels!

  3. Puts a new spin on 'The King was in the Altogether'!Have a great weekend, my friend. x

  4. This is very exciting - please do keep us posted.

    (Speaking of Richard III, did you ever get around to reading "The Daughter of Time"?)

  5. I think that Henry V11 murdered those young Princes in the Tower and that the Tudor spin doctors, Shakespeare included, put the blame of poor Richard. There was a Battle of Bosworth re-enactment last Sunday, which my 5 year old Leicester grandson enjoyed. Not sure what his Dada (grandad), visiting from Mauritius made of it all.

    Ann Johnston (Dereham)

  6. Hi Ann- I am inclined to agree that the Tudor spin doctors have given a totally false impressions of poor old Richard.

    Yes Mrs M - I DID read Daughter Of Time, and enjoyed it a lot. Have decided it is probably my 3rd favourite Tey [after Franchise and Farrar]

  7. Personally, I find your Royal story much more interesting than any of the most recent stories about "our" Royals!! Another book about Richard III which I love is "The Sunne in Splendour" by Sharon Kay Penman - a sympathetic view of this much maligned King. It's worth the read!

    1. I will try to find this one. It does seem that 99% of people who study R3 agree that he was 'much maligned'!!


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