Monday, 17 June 2013

Art In Ashby

DSCF5597I have been doing some supply teaching in Ashby de la Zouch, and on Saturday went back to that fair town to visit the Art Exhibition in Holy Trinity Church. Four of the primary schools collaborate in this annual event. It was lovely to see all their work on display. The theme was “Summer- whatever the weather”

The raindrops show pictures of the class, sheltering under a brolly. The weaving matches the colours of the sunflowers.


Here some photocopies of cityscapes have been pasted onto colour-washed skies [hot, sunny, stormy, cloudy…] Very effective- I may copy this idea sometime!


Clay flip flops are buried on the beach, while clay teddy bears picnic



A washing line of tie dye tee shirts is drying in the sun


DSCF5595And here is the sun, woven with paper plates and bright wools [another good idea to file away for future use]


These kites were not just bright and colourful, but the children had written their hopes and dreams on them – it looks like there may be some high flyers here!


The title of the exhibition was not quite as clear as the other banners on the back wall of the church!


When I arrived at the school on Thursday, my class had already begun their collage with another teacher- so we spent the afternoon completing the piece – and extremely busy beach scene…


Such a lot of hard work went into this – it seems a shame it was only open for a few hours and will have to be dismantled so soon. Thank you to all the pupils, teachers, and support staff for producing it.


  1. Some nice ideas for rainy summer day craft with boys, methinks! Thanks!

  2. Looks fantastic, and so encouraging for the children to see their work exhibited.


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