Monday 25 September 2023

Apples In A Hat

The sticky shine of fruit,
kitchen easy with talk,
kettle at simmer
a cidery daylight
glints at the window.
An old soft crumpled straw
brim up:
she's brought me 
apples in a hat.

I found this poem on a card when I was sorting out The Stash. It was written around 2011 by Meg Peacocke, a poet from Devon. Now 93, she is the sister of the late composer Sir  Richard Rodney Bennett. The next day, I looked after two children for a friend while she went for a run. She brought me back two large cooking apples "from a freebies box down Woodgate, I passed it on my run". 
I put them in my hat and took a picture. Later in the day, Bob and I were going to the council tip- we diverted down the lane to Woodgate and I gathered half a dozen more apples. In the afternoon I peeled them, blanched and froze most, but made a pie for our weekend desserts.


  1. That pie looks excellent! I love freebie apple boxes! Haven't seen any round here lately! Kx

  2. I'm giving away most of my apples. They are lovely Bramleys, and I have sliced some for the freezer, just in case I ever make a pie again!

  3. You can't beat lovely fresh and free apples can you, especially in a pie.
    We don't tend to have our apples in a hat as we are always out and about with doggy poo-bags in our pockets so that's what we use for any apples or blackberries that we find on our travels ... not quite so photogenic!

    1. I usually have my collapsible Stojo coffee mug in my bag - perfect for a quick blackberry forage

  4. Sweet poem, pretty pi Picture of apples in your blue hat, and your yummy pie!


  5. I noticed your apple peeler, we bought one for Mum and Dad some years ago but I suspect that they never used it, they were too used to doing it by hand! JanF

    1. It is very useful - but it only really likes regular shaped apples or potatoes - I have to keep the peeler on hand for wonky bits!

  6. I've found many varieties of apples here in Canada, but in all the years I have never come across the good old Bramley!


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