Friday 3 November 2023

Beautiful Soup So Rich And Green

Waiting In A Hot Tureen** 
Not that I possess a proper tureen. Mine was served into bowls straight from the saucepan.
Bob enjoyed it anyway for his lunch on Saturday. 
He'd been doing jobs in the workshop all morning and I'd been tidying the raised bed. As well as a few leeks [which really did not amount to much] I harvested all the remaining leaves... chard, spinach, lettuce and oak choi. I also discovered two potatoes and one radish. Everything went into a large pan of smooth green soup. 
I used the basic recipe from this book, and followed the suggestion to serve with a drizzle of olive oil and some fresh thyme sprinkled on top. It looked very "cheffy" 
And now the raised bed is empty [apart from three potato plants and some winter lettuce] Everything has been covered with mulch and I've pegged down some green horticultural fleece to deter weeds and keep things looking tidy. 

**This is the song from Alice in Wonderland, sung by the Mock Turtle - a strange creature, illustrated by Tenniel with a turtle's body and the head of a calf. At the start of the 18C, sailors returning from the West Indies brought home to England beautiful green turtles which were made into vibrant coloured soup. 
But the poor creatures were hunted nearly to extinction - and clever chefs devised an inexpensive alternative, created by boiling up calves' heads. By the mid 19C, Mock Turtle soup was so popular, that some commercial brands warned consumers, ironically, to 'beware of imitations'
Heinz were producing MTS right up until the 1960s! I understand that the flavour was allegedly authentic, even if the verdant colour was missing, and the Mock Soup was usually brown. 

Nowadays this soup is extinct, but the Caribbean green turtles are abundant. Good news imho!

I've always sung this to the tune of the Blue Danube myself...


  1. I like green soup, esp Nettle! I didn't know that about MT soup! Kx

    1. I can't persuade Bob to eat nettle soup. I do like quick green soup made with a packet of frozen peas.

  2. What a good way to use up what you picked from your raised bed! I still have some green cherry tomatoes and the butternut squash growing. Otherwise, the vegetables are just about done!

    1. The majority f my green tomatoes went [with some purchased squash] into a curry]

  3. I think I prefer your lovely looking verdant soup to Mock 🐢. Amazing MTS was still available in the 1960's. You have done well from your raised beds. Have you planned your planting for next year? Regards Sue H

    1. I confess I have not done any planning yet. These past couple of weeks have been mainly shop-focused.

  4. My raised beds are sadly neglected; I've got some chard and about 10 kohl rabi. Like you say, it's time to clear away and leave them until spring.

  5. What good use for your end of seasone veggies! DH made potato soup last night and I always thing homemade soups and stews are the most delicious.


    1. Warm and comforting in this old weather

  6. So many creatures have succumbed to human activity, I'm glad the green turtles have survived it.

    1. Yes, this is a positive "green" story in many ways!

  7. I remember Mock Turtle Soup but never ate it. There was a tin in our pantry. I suspect my father ate it. I have ordered the cookbook, found one reasonably priced used one in the US. I enjoy soups. Thank you.

    1. I find mine quite useful - her recipes are down to earth and easy to follow [but no pictures!]

  8. I never came across MT soup although I was still in England in the 60s. That green soup you prepared would be so full of vitamins! I love to make homemade soups, and I love my stick blender to make them smooth.

    1. Stick blenders are brilliant for soup making


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