Wednesday 1 November 2023


I have a new website! For a few years now, I had an Etsy store - but that has been empty since the spring as I didn't have time to restock it with my craft items. Of late people have been complaining that Etsy's fees have gone up a lot and their repayments to sellers have got slower. So I investigated SumUp. I have a little SumUp card reader, which I can use to take credit card transactions - and they have been promoting their facility. Fees are way lower than Etsy, and they pay me on a regular basis. So, with Bob's help I have designed and launched my own website
Here's my logo. The 'about' page on the site explains a little about me, and why I have this name and this image on my logo

I have loved crafting all my life - sewing, knitting, papercrafts, embroidery and more. And I admit to being a hoarder- collecting the scraps that other people discard and turning them into beautiful and useful things.  
Now I'm retired, and living in a beautiful part of the country, I have more time to sit and stitch, and I want to share my creativity with others, at an affordable price.
My grandmother taught me crafting skills when I was a child, and she was a woman of faith. My shop is called 31:13 because there is a verse in the bible (Proverbs chapter 31 verse 13) , about a woman who "finds wool and fine linen and works with eager hands" My shop's logo is a play on those numbers - the butterfly reflects the idea of metamorphosis into a new, beautiful life.

At the moment, the shop has three categories of items - decorations, gifts and brooches. I am gradually adding handcrafted items to the shop - so please drop by and have a look. I am deliberately keeping my prices low, and there are lots of stockingfillers there. 
If you know anyone else who may be interested, please share the details with them. 
Thank you.


  1. It's a very attractive site! I'm impressed at your dedication and hope your enterprise is successful.

    1. Thank you Kirsten. In retirement I've had more time to indulge my love of stitching, but I cannot keep everything I make, Cornerstones is too small!

  2. I took a quick peek at your new website and what a wonderful idea to sell your craft items there! I hope you have lots of success with your new shop!

  3. Best wishes to you in your new venture! I love the bird brooches but understand that goods can only be delivered to UK addresses.

    1. International postage is expensive and complicated to manage on the site. Please could you email me, Joan, to see if we can work something out

  4. What a good idea! I love the thought behind your name and logo! Kezzie x

  5. What a great team effort setting up your website and for sharing the story behind the name. I am currently swimming in fabric and other material preparing for a Craft Fayre 2 and a bit weeks time! Good luck with your makes and I know what you mean about having joy in the making of beautiful/useful thing and then there’s no room in the house for them. Catriona

    1. Enjoying your making, I hope you sell lots!

  6. A great looking, easy to navigate site. And you have some lovely items too. Well done. Love FD xx

  7. well done, I will have to check it out. Hope you get plenty of sales!!

    1. Thank you= sorry I cannot ship across the pond!

  8. How lovely Angela. And the story behind your logo is great x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you Alison, I wanted something that reflected my values.

  9. It's such a nice site, Angela. What a good idea, I hope it is very successful!

  10. I love your shop and its name plus the story behind the name. So glad you found an alternative to Etsy and its fees.


    1. Etsy has been a disappointment - it started out as 'handcrafted' - but now a lot of sellers are just selling on imported goods.

  11. What a lovely website you and Bob have set up, the items look gorgeous and I'm sure I'll be ordering from you soon. Love Gill Xx

  12. Congratulations to you (and Bob) for creating an excellent website. I wish you every success selling those attractive items. The prices are reasonable even from a Canadian equivalent viewpoint, - the items are handcrafted!

    1. Sorry - shipping goods across the Atlantic is just too expensive

    2. Yes, I know, it is out of the question.

  13. Your website is lovely Angela. Prior to getting sick with Covid and then Long Covid, I had made a batch of bunting to sell on folksy, which isn't as fiercely competitive as Etsy but I guess that's because it is less well known? I'm intrigued by how SumUp works, I will have to take a look xx

    1. I already had a SumUp cardreader machine, and thus year they offered the facility of using it for online payments. I used the Wix (free) web builder facility, This was well set out and not too hard to use. There's a initial annual payment, for my domain name (31:13) then a fee of less than 2‰ for transactions. SumUp pays weekly. That's a lot cheaper and faster than Etsy. I don't know details of Folksy. Also they help by getting the site showing up in Google searches.

    2. Thanks for sharing this extra information it’s much appreciated xx

    3. Do email me if you have other questions!

  14. Your crafts are lovely and really nicely showcased on your website!

    1. Thank you. The website is built using the Wix templates

  15. I visited your shop and it is so exciting! All your things are so nice! So exciting!

  16. I wonder if you have come across the handmade card holders, which I think would be perfect for your shop? Made from unwanted CDs, fabric and two buttons, they are a useful aid for young and old to help manage a hand of playing cards. I have been inspired to try making them, for our family games of UNO.

    1. Barbara, I had never heard of these. But I googled them - they are so clever! Thank you


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