Saturday, 8 March 2025


World Book Day Costumes
In London Princess Pearl  [Zog and the Flying Doctors] and Peanut Jones, in costumes which Grandma made earlier. I am not sure why Jess looks so fed up - maybe it is because she hasn't got her stethoscope

In Manchester, George scooted off to school as Kai [The fiercely determined Fire Ninja! Self-confident, impulsive, determined and brave ]

Kai is a strong character among the LEGO® NINJAGO® ninja heroes.]
I do think his scooter should have been made of Lego too

Jacob is currently obsessed with Old MacDonald, and sings the song morning, noon and night - so he went off dressed like the farmer in his book

Well done all families who managed to produce costumes for the children. And well done all  who make books a part of family life every day, not just on one day in March.


  1. The idea of World Book Day is such a good one but sadly it is seen as a competition for best fancy dress in many schools. It would be good if the parents would concentrate on the books and it’s lovely to see your two granddaughters holding their books to show where their characters came from. The Manchester boys look equally good and Jacob’s smile would brighten anyone’s day. Don’t joke about the Lego scooter for George or Bob may find himself with a Shed job for next year! Catriona

  2. I think the boys' other Grandad is more of a Lego expert. We will pass such jobs over to him!
    But you are right, the focus should be on the books.
    I'm afraid it was ever thus. Over 30 years ago (preInternet) The teachers at my girls' primary school complained that 90% of the pupils just turned up in costumes from the newly opened Disney Store. My two had opted to be Bobbie and Phil from the Railway Children, carrying "proper" books and wearing homemade costumes.
    This week, my great nephew's school suggested children went dressed as a WORD. He went as "Illuminate" in a black T shirt, the word written in Glow In The Dark paint.

  3. They all look amazing, but Jacob looks so cute as a farmer, he was born for the part. :-)

    1. You never know, he may leave Manchester 🏭🏭 with its industrial past, and decamp to the agricultural beauty of Norfolk 🚜🚜🚜one day ...

  4. Don't they all look great too. My sister and husband are staying with their son and family and she sent my a picture of Tilly dressed up as Peanut Jones. I had not heard to her before. Tillly has beautiful red hair like Rosie. Hers was also a handmade costume.

    1. How lovely. And yes, the red hair helps with the final appearance doesn't it!!!

  5. They all look fabulous and thumbs up to the costume makers. Xx

  6. Lovely to see your grandkids dressed up. I think Jacob takes the prize with that lovely smile and wholesome country look!

  7. So much fun dressing up as a character from a book! They all look great!

  8. Do the children do Book Day in Norway, Marit??

  9. Book day looks a lot a fun these days, well done your grandchildren (and their adult costumiers!)

  10. It looks like the children mostly enjoyed World Book Day and dressing up as their favourite character. Well done as well to all those who made costumes for their children and grandchildren.

  11. I always find the homemade costumes the best of all! One boy in year 5 (who doesn't usually get a costume for anything) made his own pig mask out of cardboard boxes for a spin on. The THREE Little pigs.
    The kids look super! X

    1. What an enterprising chap 🐷 🐷 🐷

  12. They all look cute dressed as their favorite characters from books. :)


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