Monday, 1 July 2013

At School On A Saturday ??!!

Not one, but two schools, in fact. I began the day helping Bob set up the PA for the fete at our village school

km school

Here’s the Sound Desk, just before the area filled up with visitors.


The Chocolate Tombola was popular – as was the Cake Stall [one of two – there was another on the other side of the fete] I purchased a banana and sultana loaf for £1. I was quite slim before I moved to this village!

The police and paramedics were there. Entertainment from the recorder group, the school choirs, and the 2b Dance Academy.DSCF5642DSCF5643DSCF5644

At 1.45 I pedalled home on my trusty bicycle, and changed into ‘posh’ gear in order to attend the Centenary Tea Party, at Dovelands School, Leicester, where I did a lot of supply teaching between 1996 and 2002. Former staff, pupils and parents had been invited, along with other ‘worthies’ to this event. There were half a dozen or more from our church who were there, in one capacity or another.The school is on the west of the city, on the A47.

dovelandsThis school is not as old as the one in KM, which had its centenary 3 years ago. 

Music provided by the Peter Crebbin Cool Swing Band [website] Not sure if they were pupils here!


Many former teachers returned for the tea- here is my friend Carole “And this is my toyboy, Mike” she said [she will kill me for posting this!]


All the pupils had recently posed for a centenary photo [a neighbour in the house opposite the playground kindly allowed the photographer to use her bedroom window to get this shot]


The classroom where I taught full time for two terms now has an incredibly expensive, new and complicated interactive whiteboard


I loved the doves flying round the walls


They started cutting the cake before I got to it with the camera


I thought the mayoral car had a rather  appropriate number plate for a school event. I left Dovelands at 2.45 and shot back to KM


The final event of the KM fete [the seemingly interminable calling of the Raffle Prizes] was going on. As soon as that was over, Bob and I stowed all the gear into the car and came home. Exhausted! We rested a bit, had a meal, and then he went out on a pastoral visit.

Finished the evening with a mountain of ironing and watching Glasto on TV [could not see Steph, Mark, Nic or Fran in the crowds though]


  1. Mayoral car? I didn't even get a mayoral pushbike!!!

    1. No, you didn't - but you did get the CHAIN !!

  2. What a very busy day, you must have been exhausted!

  3. Saturdays - a dedicated woman xxx


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