Sunday, 21 July 2013

Buzzing About

golden syrup

My turn to do Sunday School this morning – and our summer theme is "Bible Stories which have animals in them”

I’m returning to an old favourite- Samson, the lion and the bees. They are portrayed on the Golden Syrup Tin, where it says – as it has since 1883 - “Out of the strong came forth sweetness”

Among other things we will be collaging sparkly wings and black and yellow stripes on cardboard bees, and making minibooks of the story


I am going to teach the children the more modern translation of the verse from Judges

“Out of the strong came something sweet,

out of the eater came something to eat”

Bees, and honey, I like – the wasps which have been buzzing about in our loft, I am not so sure about.


  1. Oh yummy Golden Syrup! It's time I visited the English Foods store. I remember being fascinated by the drawing or engraving on the tin when I was a youngster.

  2. I expected you have taught the Samson story in Sunday school many times yourself, Chris!!

  3. Well I've never noticed the quotation on syrup tins before but having one with some pens in it right next to the computer, I have verified it! Hope Sunday School went well.

  4. I think something went wrong when wasps were created!

  5. I remember my Dad telling me the story when I was very little.
    Jane x


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