Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Soggy Saturday At Steamer Point

The original plan had been to collect Liz, Steph and Mark from the train at Christchurch, then go to Steamer Point for a picnic on the beach. The incessant rain made that quite impossible. But we did enjoy mugs of hot chocolate in the Beach Cafe. Then we walked along the front, and climbed the cliff to the Nature Reserve. We dived out of the rain, and into the little Steamer Point Information Centre- where the intriguingly labelled filing cabinet contained an amazing selection of Lost Property- much of it dental and skeletal!

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The walls of the centre [a room about 10 feet square] were covered with informative paintings and posters, with lots of little doors to open and hidden treasures to enjoy.

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We spent some time, when the rain stopped briefly, watching the Thundercats Racing from the clifftop. Very fast, and quite exciting – I suspect they were colder and wetter than we were.

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Then we went home – and Bob cooked the barbecue food, and we sat round indoors enjoying our meal. It was lovely to have family with us!


  1. I love that little cupboard! Are you back to school shortly? My lot start back tomorrow

    1. The children here go back on Thursday - sadly I am still looking for a job!

  2. Lovely to enjoy that time with them!!!x

    1. It is great to have time with the family, isn't it!

  3. I would love to know what's in the "lost smells" drawer--tiny, sniffing noses?


    1. It was disappointingly empty- and didn't have much of an odour either!


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