Hark the Herald Angels sing
"Mrs Simpson's pinched our King"
Fast forward 30 years or so, and at my school we were singing
We four Beatles of Liverpool are, John in a taxi, Paul in a car
George on a Scooter, honking his hooter
Following Ringo Starr
Modifying carols has been going on for centuries - which of us can honestly say we've never sung
While shepherds washed their socks by night all seated round the tub
A bar of fairy soap fell down , and they all began to scrub
There's the ancient Basque Carol, known as Gabriel's Message which talks about that early spice girl "Most highly flavoured Lady Gloria"
And the little fat gentleman who pops up in the middle of Silent Night alongside the manger
Round John Virgin [Mother and Child]

Poor old Mary has to share the stable with loads of visitors - in God rest ye merry, Gentleman there is one rather sinister visitor
The Witch, his mother Mary
Of course, some of those at the nativity, who came upon the midnight clear, did at least help with the housework over Bethlehem
Above its sad and lowly plains
They bend on hoovering wing
But even the modern carols have some wonderful lines in them. Who can sing 'Come on and celebrate' without remembering all the presents still to be wrapped up?
Come on and Celebrate, Celebrate and Sing
Sellotape and String for the King
And when we come and join the celebration, the magi are there, returning from their Easyjet Holiday...
Wise men journey, led to worship by a star
Kneel in homage,
Bringing precious gifts from Lanzarotte

Oh dear, I suspect I have probably ruined many Candlelight Carol Services now, as those who have not heard these before may be overcome with giggles. Oops!
That's so funny, thank you!
ReplyDeleteOh dear. I was once taking a carol service at which a brass band was playing and I announced "While shepherds washed their socks by night" There was a considerable delay in starting.
ReplyDeleteWhat a priceless collection!
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThose are great! Thank you for sharing! I've never heard them before! :D
ReplyDeleteAh, the joys of singing the Wrong Words!
ReplyDeleteI love the 'gifts from Lanzarotte!' and 'Sellotape and String', they're both new to me. Here are some from my family to add to the collection:
"Whilst shepherds watched TV by night
all tuned to ITV, the angel of the Lord came down and switched to BBC"
"Whilst shepherds cooked their tea by night, all seated round the pot, the angel of the Lord came down and scoffed the blooming lot"
At school we thought we were VERY daring to sing the chorus of "The Angle Gabriel" as "Most Highly Flavoured Gravy, Gloria"
And a local school was called Nether Hall Primary, so "oh come oh come Emmanuel" always got modified to
"...from Nether Hall thy people save"
Plus of course
"We Three Kings of Mersey Square,
Selling Ladies Underwear
How fantastic, no elastic
Only 4 p a pair"
"Good King Wencelas looked out
on a cabbage garden
bumped into a Brussels Sprout
and said "I beg your pardon""
"Good King Wenceslas walked out
On the Feast of Stephen
Someone bonked him on the snout
and made it all uneven.
Brightly shone his nose that night
though the pain was cruel,
then the doctor came in sight
with some nasty gruel"