Monday, 2 October 2017

Safely Gathered In*

Come, you thankful people, come
Raise the song of Harvest Home
All is safely gathered in
Ere the winter storms begin
God our Maker will provide
For our needs to be supplied
Come, with all his people, come
Raise the song of Harvest Home

The Foulsham Harvest Festival Weekend was splendid - lots of scarecrows, in the church and throughout the village. Jack Sparrow won the prize this year

The chapel was decorated with bunting - and some amazing birds flying above the congregation [which fitted well with Bob's sermon on The Parable of the Sower] The Little Acorns Craft group had made a wall of cheerful scarecrow faces. The display of fresh produce - for the HomeLess Night Shelter, and array of tins , for the Food Bank - was quite splendid. Outside, still more scarecrows on the bench [one slightly more mobile than the others!] After the service, a lovely harvest lunch with our friends.

You can't hear Bob's sermon, but you can at least enjoy the video clip he showed...
* fond memories of a friend in Kirby Muxloe, whose aunt always referred to her 'Harvest Festival Knickers' - where she said that 'all was safely gathered in'


  1. I suppose that Harvest Festival Knickers could be worn with Psalm 23 bras - when one's cup runneth over.

  2. It looks lovely. I was looking forward to our first Harvest Festival in a C of E church this year because I had heard that it would be lovely. I was really hoping for "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" as well but we couldn't go! Very unhappy.

  3. That's how a 'proper' Harvest Festival looks!

  4. Oh my goodness, that cartoon is brilliant!!!! I love it!

  5. That looks both fun and silly, and it's lovely that a church can do all that joyfully together. Love the scarecrows!!


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