...and usually this term that means I will be in my classroom. But when I was asked to take on this teaching, I explained immediately that I was committed elsewhere for the first two weeks in October. I was convinced they'd say 'all or nothing' - but the school was happy to cover the dates I couldn't do. Last week we were at Cornerstones, and that holiday was 'bookended' by our preaching commitments at Foulsham Chapel. Yesterday and today involve travelling to WWDP Preparation Days, and tomorrow I am off to the Connexion Conference. These arrangements were all in place before the teaching job was thought of. I wasn't happy about the idea of letting people down and backing out of those arrangements.
As a Supply Teacher, I only get paid for the days I when I teach. But it is more important to me to do the things I believe to be important, than to accrue the biggest pot of gold. What does it profit a girl, if she gains the whole world, but loses her own soul?
I love that quote at the top, and need to be reminded of it throughout life. You sound SO busy! I hope you do find time for rest :)
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are able to work around your previously scheduled events. :)