Friday, 17 March 2023

Holey Moley!

 I've taken the kind words to heart, and have been doing relaxing tasks in front of the TV with a cuppa. It's less than three weeks to Holiday Club, and I do need to finish preparing crafts. Like making holes in 100 bottle tops. Top Tip of the day - use a hand-held hole punch, it's quick and easy
We're making pipecleaner people. In 2012 in Kirby, we made Olympic Athletes, with pompoms and lolly sticks for balls and sports gear. This year I'm going for a simpler approach, just make people, and dress them if you want. Here are two Olympians from eleven years ago, and below, my two practice models for this year
I won't make the play dough to anchor their feet till the day before! CDs make great bases*
This year I have lots of cotton reels for bodies. I found some party lei garlands in a charity shop. Top Tip #2 - dismantled, the petals make great skirts. 
*Huge thanks to Krista, from RSPCA charity shop, who passed on a carrier bag full of unsaleable CDs. They have to sort all the donations - because many people drop off scratched CDs, double sets where one disc is missing, and worst of all imho, empty cases! K was happy these CDs would be put to good use. 


  1. Good use of the DVDs! Kx

  2. Great use of upcycled materials and the wee people look great. I like the flower petals used from the lei and may copy that idea if I have a charity shop rake about. Catriona

    1. Also check £Land & similar-after the last football International , they were selling off red&white ones very cheaply

  3. It does annoy me when I find a CD or DVD that I want in a charity shop and then find it is an empty case. However, I don’t think people do it deliberately. I think that many times it’s someone sorting out someone’s possessions after a death and they don’t check.

    1. That's a possibility I agree (speaking as someone who has just been helping to do thatl

  4. Your creativity astound me! Hugs!

  5. I'm glad you have had some relaxing and that you are making progress with the cute figurine craft preparations. You will feel less pressure when the kits are ready.

  6. You are right, slowly and steadily preparing stuff is the way to go

  7. You are SO clever.JanF

  8. It's marvelous what you can do with a few bits and bobs.....

    1. And it is good to show the children that craft and creativity do not have to cost the earth

  9. You might be relaxing, but, I still think you sounds very busy! The button people are very creative!

    1. You know me, Bless - I find it hard to stop completely


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