Thursday 4 January 2024


Technically, it should be #word 366, as this is a Leap Year. I have been pondering about my word, and then I found this graphic which struck me as just the thing...
I think pace will be a really good choice for my word of the year.. as it has so many interpretations.
  • pace meaning just one step. When things feel overwhelming, take just one step at a time. [apologies for those of you who will now have Dolly Parton singing 'One day at a time- in their ear all day]
  • pace meaning the speed of movement. I must learn to pace myself, and not run ahead, when I should be walking in step - with others, and with God
  • pace meaning the relative speed of progress or change - accepting that I do not have the energy of 30 years ago, and must slow down sometimes, for my health's sake. But also that the world is changing, and at times I need to be more ready to alter my pace to fit in. [and now we have Bob Dylan, and 'the times they are a-changing' as background music]
  • pace meaning the distance covered by a single step. I want to proceed faster than
    a snail's pace - but not speed ahead like those who set the pace for the athletes. To get there, eventually, but take time to appreciate the journey. 
  • pace from the Latin word meaning peace, and also 'with due respect to'.  So many of you have spoken in the comments, of your desire to see peace in our world - and of our need to learn the wisdom and beauty of respect.
pace is my #word365 for 2024 - what's yours?


  1. I’ve chosen 2 words this year, Hope and Faith. However I think pace is an excellent choice and I shall remember it whilst walking, my pace gets faster and faster somI have to remind myself to slow down. Sandra

  2. It was a Japanese theologian who remarked that the gospel was spread at a walking pace... my words are from the Advent candles, hope, peace, joy, love.

    1. I like the remark from. The Japanese theologian. Hope was my word for 2021

  3. Excellent word Ang. The many meanings are all helpful!xx

  4. That's a very good word! I haven't settled on a word yet, but, I've been considering "promptly" because I tend to procrastinate!

  5. I have chosen LIVE as I need to enjoy the little things in life but maybe try some new things too. Your first definition of pace has given me an ear worm of One More Step Along The World I go!! Catriona

    1. May 2024 be full of life, love and laughter for you Catriona!

  6. Ah, my first thought was 'pace yourself' as I heard that o often when growing up.
    My word is 'continue' and I have many things partly done and I'd like to finish!


  7. Have you heard the phrase "I'm working on my PhD - Projects Half Done"?

  8. I like your choice, PACE. How about adding an acronym version, too - "Prayer Always Changes Everything"?
    I decided that "Gratitude" was the word for me this year. So much to be thankful for, and to remember to be thankful in good times and even in not so good times!

    1. That's a good acronym. Gratitude is always important

  9. My word of the year is 'No'! So far this week, it hasn't worked 3 times!!!


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