Saturday, 29 November 2014

Stitched In Time!


from the sewing machines this week…

  • 7 shepherds
  • 7 angels
  • 7 elf costumes
  • 3 stars
  • 4 robins
  • 1 lamb
  • a named teddy sweatshirt
  • a named mouse sweatshirt

plus a load of brown fabric to go into school to make camel humps and bodies [the heads were in the cupboard, but without the rest of the costumes] The elf tunics helped use up lots of the felt stash.


“When I get to heaven, do you think I could work in the sewing room where they make the angel robes?” I asked Bob. He said he thinks that in heaven, the robes will not wear out. But he suggested that when I arrive at the pearly gates, perhaps I should put my name on a list for a Sewing Masterclass with Bezalel and Oholiab [Exodus 31], and Dorcas [Acts 9]


I am seriously reconsidering my decision to make the sewing machines and the kettle the last things to pack.

If I packed the machines now, then I can justifiably refuse any more requests for stitching can’t I?


  1. Ooooh, a craft group in heaven!!! Wonderful!

  2. What an impressive sewing output this week, Vee x

  3. You wouldn't be able to resist.........
    Well done, the stash is getting down!

  4. Ha ha, you are a machine!!!! X

  5. PLEASE make angel robes in heaven,Angela..
    I'll be naked otherwise!
    Jane x

    1. Does that mean I have to get there ahead of you??

    2. If you're don't, I'll be the one hiding behind another angel.
      Jane x

  6. You are a marvel. Schools in Leicester are going to miss you very much ( and not just for your sewing skills) x


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