Saturday 17 February 2024

Train Of Thought

I am ridiculously excited about Transport for London's decision to rename parts of the Tube Map - six of the overground routes will be added. And the names have been chosen by popular vote. All of them are excellent names- two of them especially important to me for personal reasons. I shall mention four here, and give a fuller explanation of the other two on Monday.
 I was talking to Rosie about this, and was pleased how much she knew about many of the reasons behind these names.
The Lioness Line - from Watford to Euston - through Wembley- reflecting the success of the English Women's Football Team. Rosie is pleased, she got to go with her Dad to see the women play at Wembley last year.
The Windrush line - through areas with strong ties to West Indian communities, honouring the Windrush generation. Rosie knew about Windrush [Dame Floella Benjamin is one of her heroes]

The Suffragette Line -Gospel Oak to Barking, celebrating the ordinary, working class East End women like Annie Huggett who fought for women's rights. She was a Barking woman, and the last surviving Suffragette. She lived in Barking until she died in 1996. And yes, of course Rosie knows all about Mrs Pankhurst!
The Weaver Line -Liverpool St to Enfield Town - through Spitalfields, Bethnal Green etc - so important in the textile trade. Still working on this one with her - but Rosie knows how important crafts and textiles are to me. And she has been to this part of London often.
The Mildmay Line , and the Liberty Line will get a much fuller mention here on Monday. Rosie has been with us all week, and I've not had as much as usual to plan and write my posts!


  1. In 1947 I was born in the Mildmay hospital. Lesley

    1. Fabulous! I hope you enjoy my post on Monday

  2. It’s great that such thought has gone into the naming of the new lines-of course I had to have a sneak peek at the other two as well! Happy weekend. Catriona

  3. Do you know this book (& its sister books) I suspect it's one that Rosie would appreciate!! Love FD xx

  4. That's very interesting thank you and it's clear that young Rosie is far more educated than me 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. She's really keen on history (particularly women who achieved things)

  5. How interesting and am glad Rosie is an eager sponge for new information!


  6. Was it really worth 6 million pounds though?

    1. That's a good question. It does seem to be a lot of money

  7. That's wonderful that Rosie is so aware and knowledgeable about such things. I don't think I was half so knowledgeable at her age!

  8. She soaks up knowledge like a sponge


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