Saturday 15 June 2024

Going Back

I think it was 2006 when plans were first mooted about a massive housing development just up the road from Kirby Muxloe - the village on the edge of Leicester where we'd lived since 1995. The Council had thousands of letters of protest in the first week. And just one saying "Our church is very close to the proposed site- if you do this how can we help build a good community there?" And because he was the only one who offered help, they took Bob seriously. We got Churches Together In Leicestershire on board, and went for prayer walks round the muddy fields where the new town was due to be built. The Council said if we provided a community worker, they would provide housing [which was way more than we'd dared hope for]

As we left KM for Dorset, the development was coming along nicely. We returned for the commissioning of Sue Steer as the Community Worker [she's a Baptist Minister] Things have gone from strength to strength. 
Today we're going back to join them for Lubbfest, and tomorrow we will be back at our old church [followed by lunch with friends] 
Hoping the journey is smooth, and the weather is kind.


  1. Followed the link and it sounds like a fabulous day if food and fun for all. Well done to Bob and how wonderful to have a street named after him. Catriona

    1. Torrential rain, really heavy, and high winds. I got soaked right through, very little shelter, umbrellas useless. Wet jeans,wet socks, wet knickers...So much for flaming June! But people were cheerful and welcoming.

  2. Replies
    1. Grateful that the sun came out (eventually)

  3. Can hear the music in the background as I'm sat reading the blog! Has the sun dried you out? Hope to see you in church tomorrow.

    1. Just got comfortably settled in at the Premier Inn. See you tomorrow!

  4. What an exciting event, so many attractions and good food. You will certainly enjoy being back in the church tomorrow as well. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hope it all goes well for you and the weather improves.


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