Tuesday 11 May 2010

Another Day At The Races

Up at 6.15am [ugh!] to be ready to go to Sandown Racetrack, in Esher, for the 2010 Christian Resources Exhibition. We took David [Ch Treasurer] and Steve [Ch Administrator] with us.

All the usual people there, it was good to catch up with friends we see most years, like the folk from Musicademy [website]


with lots of resources for worship - plus their wonderful tee-shirts


glo bibleMany Christian publishing houses - and Hodder and Stoughton were plugging the Glo interactive Bible [here] with a very enthusiastic demonstrator eager to show us all the facets of this amazing software.

It was impressive [if you can ignore American spellings!]




cwr pens


CWR have launched a new Bible Reading Aid - PENS' for children, and had two large 'pens' promoting this.

Sadly they didn't speak and so couldn't answer questions. So I cannot tell you any more about it!


Christian Vision for Men [CVM] had a great challenge on their stand


...hold this extremely heavy weight at arm's length for 30 seconds and we will give you a Yorkie bar!

This guy managed it ...



...so I had a go. My arm was shaking after about 7 seconds, but I obstinately hung on and won my chocolate. "If a tall chap with this surname comes along in a few minutes, tell him his wife did it!" I requested [so they did, to Bob's amusement]

Between us we picked up various freebies [2 CDs, a number of pens, tins of mints, a tape measure and a USB stick] and generally had lots of fun. I bought another Bob Hartman book [my previous one is superb, and this looks equally useful]


Last week in Plymouth, we were reminded about the "Get In The Picture" idea [see here] - where [during Advent, obviously] you set up a Nativity Scene, and invite real people [members of the public!] to come and dress up, and have a picture taken of themselves at the manger [being a shepherd/wise man/Mary/whatever]

I got quite fired up with this idea, and immediately started designing easy costumes in my head, and working out where we could do this [grass in front of church, car park of village pub, outside the chemists, by the Library....]

So when I noticed the splendid Silent Lights Company were selling Nativity figures, I purchased a set. Well, it will be useful to have a lamb or two, and a few other props...


This did mean I spent the rest of my time at the exhibition carrying a large plastic bag with the BVM in the front, all round the site. But I am sure I will get lots of use from them! Do check out the Silent Lights website - they have lots of good stuff!

All in all a good day - and back in time for tea, and then tonight I am going to my ISA Vetting and Barring Training at Church [arranged by the East Midlands Baptists]

But first I shall have a rest, I think!

[BTW - in case you are wondering, I found last year's badge, cut my name out carefully, then stuck it on this year's badge with a Pritt stick. So I didn't have to go around labelled NAGEL]


  1. (I think Nagel is a perfect name, cant think why you dont like it????)
    What amazing resources there are out there to promote the Word. I am so glad you found a couple of lambs to buy!

  2. Hubs loves his guitar t-shirt from MusicAcademy.

    Has Mary got red hair there? I can't imagine Mary with red hair. Looks like a good set though.

  3. I like the the pens!

    And what's wrong with American spelling? Is it our fault we like to simplify things by dropping all the excess u's?



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