Wednesday 5 May 2010

It Definitely Isn't Bluewater!

I have decided not to blog about the Baptist Assembly- because all the other Baptist Bloggers seem to be doing so [see Bob's blog for a list!]

However, a quick comment on our journey home on Monday. For old times' sake we called in briefly at the Trago Mills Shopping Complex near Liskeard.

trago mills

It is the strangest place, with bizarre architecture, and lots of wildlife - koi carp in pools, and peacocks wandering freely.


[What is it about hearing peacocks calling that makes me feel I have inadvertently stepped into Midsomer and should be expecting either a murdering psychopath or DCI Barnaby to come round the next corner?]

Prices are ridiculously low, if the products are things you want to buy. [I bought a sugar thermometer and some jampot covers.]

We had coffee and very good Danish pastries. Then before we left, I bought two Cornish saffron buns to have when we got home.


Happy memories of two holidays in Cornwall years ago when the children were young.

But tell me - do they genuinely use saffron to get the yellow colour in the commercially produced buns? or is it just colouring?


  1. Well, she said, speaking as a nearly Cornish person, it HAS to be real saffron, m'dear.

    Trago Mills is priceless. When it first opened it was a tiny shed, with pile-it-high-sell-it- quick type marketing. Now it is very different. We have had some amazing bargains from Trago...Chinese rug being one of them!

  2. Oh, those were lovely pics. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time ~ the village looks lovely & thank-you for stopping over & your well wishes. Hopefully I've seen the last of the migraines for a long time!!!!!


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