Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Being A Busy Bee

I mentioned World Bee Day recently [not World Bidet, as somebody misheard in conversation!] My beeswax food wraps, made last year, have been proving very useful. However, I've noticed that the black square I usually use for my school sandwich lunch is beginning to lose its clinginess. 
I decided to re-wax it, and to make a few more wraps at the same time for a couple of eco-friendly friends.
Last time, I made each wrap individually. This time I layered 4 sheets of new fabric on top of my existing wrap, with grated wax in between. I put parchment paper above and below the stack, and placed it all on a thick pile of newspaper. It all worked successfully, and unlike last time, I had no 'seepage' of wax at the sides. I hung my squares to dry
Then I folded and packaged the squares in pairs ready to be posted. I put a paper explanation band round them.
I think they look quite professional - and my DIY ones cost less than a third of the cost of ones purchased on line.


  1. They look fantastic! A new sideline?

  2. They're beautiful! Your friends will be thrilled to get them. I've been interested in these for a while but have not made any - thanks for the good recommendation.

  3. Just went back to last June and found your post about making them. I like the ironing idea. Thanks!

  4. They are brilliant! I love the ones you sent me! They are fab!!!x


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