Thursday, 27 May 2021

Happy Birthday Liz!

It is hard to take in that my daughters are so grown up, and Mums themselves. And in just a few weeks time, Liz will have a second child [so Rosie will be a Big Sister]

I struggled to find pictures of Liz- I think she is so often the one behind the camera - but here is one from Spring  2021 with Rosie. And one from Spring 1987 with me!

Have a wonderful birthday Liz - may the year ahead be full of great joy and unexpected blessings. We love you so much, and we are really proud of you. Thank you for being such a brilliant daughter. God bless you always


  1. Goodness Rosie is so like her Mum when little.
    (Still think it's weird coincidence about Rosie getting a sibling in the same year as my Jacob..... as well as all the other coincidences )

  2. She looks like Rosie so much!!!

  3. Anne🇨🇮27 May 2021 at 07:53

    Wow, Rosie is so like Liz when she was younger. A little mini me. Happy Birthday to Liz,

    1. Like her Mum in looks and personality. A loving, and happy girl, and a delight to be around.

  4. My goodness, thought that first pic was you and Liz. How identical are you all! Happy Birthday to your

    1. Thank you - yes the likeness is there- although they both have the beautiful red hair of my Mother In Law. That's definitely from Bob's side of the family.

  5. Long time reader. First time commenting. In the 1987 picture, I mistook young Liz for Rosie. What a resemblence she has to her gorgeous mum. Happy birthday, Liz. You always the remember the birthdays you spend while expecting a child. Something magical in the day.

    1. Thank you for commenting Susan. Liz commented on the phone earlier that her birthday is the day when I remember being in hospital having a dreadful time! But it was worth it - she is a precious daughter.

  6. Happy Birthday, Liz! Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Love the side-by-side photos--amazing family resemblance between mothers and daughters. Funnily, I have a daughter named Liz, too, and while it isn't her birthday, today is her son's 7th birthday. A good day to celebrate.

    1. Happy birthday to your Grandson - I hope you are able to see them - preferably in person, but at least on screen

  7. Happy birthday to Liz! And what exciting news about another baby on the way and Rosie becoming a Big Sister! Best wishes for a safe delivery.


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