Saturday, 28 January 2023

For Brooke

I have mentioned Brooke, my young neighbour, before. She has a serious, life-limiting condition, AT. But "serious" isn't a word you'd apply to this happy, teenager.

She and her Mum, Justine, have worked really hard to raise awareness of this rare condition, [full name Ataxia-Telangectasia] and to raise funds for further research into finding a cure. 
Earlier this week I was chatting to Justine, who was really excited that the  A-T Society is going to be featured on the BBC tomorrow. And Brooke's friend Brae will be interviewed. 
Justine asked me to tell my friends, and ask them to watch if they can, to find out more about A-T. 
So here are the details - Lifeline, BBC1, 1.55pm Sunday. Please watch it if you can- thankyou
If more people collaborate in this, maybe in the future, A-T will not be incurable 


  1. Thanks for posting the link-I shall make sure to watch. My daughter started school with the daughter of one of my husband’s colleagues and she was diagnosed with Freidriks Ataxia at 5 years old. Her aunt (Mum’s sister) had the condition and her mother recognised the signs. Catriona

    1. Thank you Catriona. Early diagnosis of such conditions is often very helpful ❤️

  2. We'll be out tomorrow lunchtime, but I've just set the SKY box to record the programme. Thanks for letting us know about this.X

  3. What a pretty, happy face. I love her bike, I guess it's design means less muscle power needed to speed along at a good rate.
    I was reading about AT and early diagnosis is so vital, and research into a cure it even more so.

    1. She's a lovely girl - and her Mum and I have become great friends

  4. I'm on the other siide of the pond, so cannot see this informative program.
    Wishing Brooke well and hope she and all who have life limiting problems could be cured.


  5. Thank you for the link, Angela. I will try to watch it online. It will be available after the broadcast.

    1. I do hope it will be possible for you to watch it in the USA Bless ❤️


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