Sunday 11 February 2024

A Feast For Lent

 Tuesday will be a day of feasting - at the Pancake Party. But surely we are not supposed to "feast" in Lent,the 40 days which follow? I have been thinking about spending some time this year studying deeper the lives of some of the saintly Norfolk women in history. Then I remembered this book, on my shelf for 41 years now. Written by a woman who has lived in Norfolk for half a century, and who certainly knows about feasting! 
Doesn't she look young here? She was 41 when this slim volume came out [mine's a first edition copy] Each day includes a brief Bible passage, Delia's reflections, and a prayer.
I plan to keep this at my bedside, and try* and read each daily section over the weeks leading up to Easter.
Delia begins the book with a quote from St Bernard of Clairveaux
" Let [the Word of God] pierce deep into your inmost soul and penetrate your feelings and actions. Eat well and your soul will delight and grow. Do not forget to eat your bread or your heart will wither, but let your soul feast richly"
* can't guarantee I will manage it every day!
Are you planning to do anything special during Lent? 


  1. Her Christmas recipe book is the only one of hers I have. It was a very rare thing = a surprise Christmas present from Colin. I usually found my own presents!
    Just to say Delia lives near Stowmarket in Suffolk and has done forever even though she's so involved with NCFC.

  2. How young she looks! I had no idea that she had written that book, it sounds lovely. Guard a first edition!

  3. My Lent book this year is Gordon Giles At home in Lent: an exploration of Lent through 46 objects. I haven't come across the Delia Smith Lent book before though I did have her Advent volume in the past.

    1. We did GGAT during lockdown, with our church in Dorset. It was great - I think his youtube clips are still available. I've got DS Advent too!

  4. Boring perhaps, but in Lent I try to use up my stock of dried beans and pulses, with plenty of soups for frugal lunches.

    1. Not boring at all. I have a pot of homemade soup simmering on the stove right now!

  5. We pay it forward for Lent and will have 40 extra items to add to our foodbank donation. Sometimes they ask for things like Easter eggs in which case I’ll buy those and deliver them in time for children to receive them for Easter. Catriona

    1. That is a really lovely idea [especially about the Easter Eggs]

  6. I've read some of this and find the way Delia presents her reflections and shares her faith very helpful.
    I have a book ' Pathways into Prayer ' by
    Emilie Gritthiths ( sp Griffin? ) I'll be dipping into that over Lent I think.
    Alison in Wales x

  7. To my shame, I did not know about Emilie Griffin til I read this - even though she is connected with Renovare, the group founded by Richard Foster [who wrote the great book 'Celebration of Discipline' which I found so helpful, back in the 1980s] She seems to have written many books on prayer, and on famous pray-ers. Thank you for sharing her name.

  8. I have that book. Delia is one of my favourite cooks and we make her Morella Cherry Jam and Red Wine sauce to go with duck each time we have it. And I hadn't realised her age, she is one year older than me!! Thank you for your comments on my blog.

    1. That sounds like a delicious sauce (I rarely have duck)

  9. I think this must be the first Lent book I bought many years ago. This, and her Feast for Advent are both very good.

  10. I'll be reading from "Corcle of Grace", A Book of Blessings for the Seasons" by Jan Richardson.


  11. I have her "A Feast for Advent" but I believe I passed "A Feast for Lent" on to a friend and began to use another Lenten study. I have a church library book for this year, it was published in 1983 and is called "Day by Day Through Lent" by Daniel L. Lowery and I am looking forward to using it.

  12. Replies
    1. I will Bless - I'm sure that you understand the importance of a daily time of quiet meditation and prayer

  13. I don't give up anything for Lent but I always try to buy extra for the Foodbank trollies in all of our supermarkets. Even if I don't need any shopping I grab a trolley each time I go in and buy a mix of 'normal' staples and extra Easter-y treats ... for grown ups and children.

    1. I think that "giving away" is perhaps more relevant than "giving up" nowadays

  14. This is a great idea! Kx


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