Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Crazy Costumes In The Close

Everybody round here is dressing up, it seems. Last week was crazy. Monday - Jess was at the Ice Palace. 
Tuesday Bob in his chef's whites. Wednesday Rosie was Egyptian King Tut in Swaffham. Thursday Saxon King Raenwald at Sutton Hoo. 

Then as we were driving home on Thursday afternoon, Brooke's mum messaged me for help. Brooke needed a Superhero costume for Friday. Did I have a Batman mask and cape she could borrow? 
No. But I did have an old black sheet and a sewing machine. I've made so many capes that I can rustle them up really quickly. I found a hood pattern on the net. Brooke was very pleased with the outfit. They've had a lot going on this week, and had completely forgotten about Superheroes Day. I was glad I provide something. 
At Kirby we always had a Dress Up Day during Holiday Club - I'm rather relieved we aren't doing that here. Last time we did Pyramid Rock I dressed up as Cleopatra, in a long white floaty dress. But that was in a warm July, not a wet February. 


  1. You must be wearing your pants over your tights, Wonderwoman! You are so good at making things from upcycled fabrics and the batman cape and hood are wonderful for a child to wear. Hope you are having a rest after half term if over! Catriona

  2. 🦸😊🦸I just discovered a Superhero emoji 🤣🦸🤣

  3. You are amazing as always to rustle that up for Brooke so quickly! Kxx

    1. Just a semicircle of fabric. Even non-stitchers could do that and fasten with a safety pin

  4. What a star you are regarding costumes etc, and whipping up amazing outfits. I would have liked to see you as Cleopatra! Regards Sue H

    1. I am hunting for the photo. If I can find it I will publish it.

  5. Super Sewer Angela to the rescue. :-)

    1. Trouble is , Sue, that Sewer can be pronounced two ways!!! I don't like "sewist" - other "ists" are often negative like racist, ageist, misogynist ...I prefer to say needleworker or crafter 🪡🧵

  6. Well done! Your sewing skills ( craft skills in general) and your imagination are always being used!
    Would Love to see you as Cleopatra, are there photos? JanF

    1. Still hunting, there IS a picture somewhere...

  7. Did you ever imagne you'd be creatively sewing so often and in so many directions at this point in your life?! What skills you've developed, Ang!


    1. Never in a million years did I think I'd retire to a beautiful little bungalow with a wonderful husband - and a growing familt, with four lovely grandchildren. And still be doing such diverse crafting

  8. Well done with the rapid costume help!

  9. That was so wonderful of you to find the time to sew a new costume at the last minute!


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