Friday 7 January 2022

I 💜 Purple

Just before Christmas, Pantone announced their official colour for 2022 [ you may remember last year I mentioned that they had chosen two shades for the pandemic- grey and yellow] This year they have created a new shade, named Veri Peri [code Pantone 17-3938]

According to Pantone, it is "A dynamic periwinkle blue hue with a vivifying violet red undertone which blends the faithfulness and constancy of blue with the energy and excitement of red. …[its] dynamic novel presence encourages personal inventiveness and creativity, introducing an empowering mix of newness. We are living in transformative times. As we emerge from an intense period of isolation, our notions and standards are changing. Displaying a carefree confidence and a daring curiosity that animates our creative spirit, Very Peri helps us to embrace this altered landscape of possibilities, opening us up to a new vision as we re-write our lives. Rekindling gratitude for some of the qualities that blue represents complemented by a new perspective that resonates today, Very Peri places the future ahead in a new light."

It's purple. But please do not confuse this new purple [code 17-3839] with purple [code 2865c] which is exclusively used for Cadbury's chocolate [or with code 19-3642 TCX, which is Royal Purple]

I am obviously very on trend here - Liz gave me two pairs of Snag tights for Christmas, and one of them was the shade called Suffragette Purple.[that's a picture from their website - love the cool shoes too]

I quite like purple as a colour - but only occasionally; a pair of tights, a bar of chocolate, a bright crayon, a bunch of grapes, a scarf. I think I would find a sofa, or bedcover a little bit too much!

Do you have anything purple in your home?

Do you have favourite purple clothes?

Do you have a favourite purple food - or drink ?


  1. 💜 is my favourite colour. Our living room has heathery toned sofas, deep royal purple "velvet' curtains and throw cushions. One wall is papered in a paper with purple flowers (stylised open drawings as opposed to largesolid blooms)The dining room has mid purple fabric covered chairs and the same coloured curtains as the living room. My kitchen has lilac walls, a purple range, purple kitchenaid. My bedroom has a dark plum feature wall and our bedding is also shades of purple and plum :)

    Funnily enough, I don't wear much purple

  2. You certainly DO love purple! A purple range and a purple kitchenaid mixer would certainly brighten up the kitchen!

  3. Does purple hair count? my hairdresser mixes me a purple and pink and combines it with grey( my natural colour) and I love it. I last had it done just before Christmas and yesterday my librarian commented on it. She called me by my name and although I am a library regular she still recognised me even with a mask on.!! have a happy day Angela. Valx

    1. Purple hair counts - even with a mask on, I'm sure you "cut a dash" in the Library. Happy new year Val

  4. I have various friends who love purple as does my Mum! She has lots of purple clothes. I wore a purple outfit to my friend Tamsin's wedding- 70s style felt hat, v neck silk dress and corduroy blazer- all charity shopped. I still own the blazer and hat. Also own a purple wool coat from Debenhams but since cycling to work, I rarely wear it.

    1. I can just imagine you in that hat all dressed up for the wedding

  5. Glancing round my living room I can't see a spot of purple anywhere - sadly not even a bar of Cadbury's!

    1. If there is no chocolate in the lounge, then the Christmas season is over!

  6. I like purple but only have bits of it around. I have a purple washing up bowl, for instance. It is a glorious colour. I once knew someone who only every wore purple. It was a challenge at times, but she stuck to it.

    1. My friend "had her colours done" in the 90s, and stuck to purple clothes forever after. In the village people called her The Purple Lady !

  7. I err towards the aubergine side of purple...I do like it, but don't wear it much.

  8. No purple here, it's not a favourite.

    1. Except perhaps the occasional flower in the garden?

  9. I do like purple, but prefer the heathery colour, noe too deep. I have a friend who loves it. I made her two purple book marks for her Bible. Anything I make that's purple goes to her.

  10. What a thoughtful friend you are SBBE!

  11. I'm sure I have some purple Snag tights too, and a glorious green pair. Alan loves purple but he pairs it with bright orange which sends me running for the hills. What a combination!!

    1. Does Alan work for FedEx ? Their logo is purple and orange!!

  12. For probably the first time ever it seems I am on trend ... I've ordered a purple jumper for myself in an effort to brighten up my wardrobe!

    1. That sounds like a cheerful way to start the New Year

  13. Do you know the poem "When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple"? I like it! See if you can find it.

  14. I have some of the purple snag tights and did go or purple hair at one stage but more of a red/ purple

    1. I have given up dyeing my hair - but I never had the confidence for anything other than brown

  15. We have no purple furnishings but I do have 3 purple sweaters and tops and I really like them. I also have a liking for lavender and have 2 tops in that colour and once had a long 2 piece dress in lavender. My other favourite colour is a light bluish green but it is rare to find anything to wear in that colour. I just have the one green cardigan.

    1. I have one purple dress, which used to belong to Liz - and my tights... But no other purple garments

  16. My favourite colour. I don't wear it all that much, but I do have a stunning purple silk dress from Monsoon that I love.

  17. I love purple! All shades of purple, actually. I used to wear a lot of purple as a teen, and still have quite a few purple clothes including a purple and silver sari. I painted the hallway in my house in lilac and the patchwork quilt on my bed has purple borders, etc. :)


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