Saturday 31 May 2014


hinterland 2Did you watch this recent series – another offering from the BBC in the “subtitled-Eurocrime-drama” genre.

It was set around Aberystwyth, so the cast spoke mostly in English, with the occasional subtitles for Welsh speakers! On the whole, I found it interesting, but occasionally a little bit too gloomy! One thing Bob and I both noticed was the incredible photography, with an amazing awareness of textures. The opening credits were quite stunning. One dictionary definition of the word Hinterland is “a place far away from busy places”

I thought about this on Bank Holiday Monday when we went with Steph and Mark to the Leicester Botanical Gardens. Inside the gates we felt as if we were miles from the bustling city. The rain was ridiculously heavy but we enjoyed looking at the plants and the sculptures. I took dozens of pictures of plants, and sculptures, and their myriad textures fascinated me. I have assembled some of these into collages [thank you, Picasa!] I love these little patchworks of colour.

leics botanic gardens bh may 20142leics botanic gardens bh may 20143

botanic gardens 2

botanic garden 1

leics botanic gardens bh may 20144 

It was a lovely afternoon, rain notwithstanding, and we enjoyed our picnic lunch [eaten in the car] and we bumped into friends Dianne and Derek who were also visiting the gardens. A lovely free resource for Leicester folk!

[If you missed Hinterland, you can find all you need to know here]

Friday 30 May 2014

A Celtic Prayer

You are the peace of all things calm
You are the place to hide from harm
You are the light that shines in dark
You are the heart's eternal spark
You are the door that's open wide
You are the guest who waits inside
You are the stranger at the door
You are the calling of the poor
You are my Lord and with me still
You are my love, keep me from ill
You are the light, the truth, the way
You are my Saviour this very day

woman at window

I know it is time now to leave Cornerstones, and return to Leicestershire this afternoon – and that is right and proper – I can feel my heart is aching to be back there again. There is work to be done, and plenty that needs my attention. But the peace of these past few days has been amazing. I have been blessed with the opportunity to be still, and to be silent. I hope that I have listened, and learned. And I am truly grateful for this much needed entr'acte, when the music of my life has been slower and gentler than usual.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Retreating And Remembering

forgetful heart ook

This retreat is proving really beneficial. I have been diligent about how I have used my time – much spent in reading, prayer and reflection. Some spent relaxing with sewing projects. A little spent on the PC, and some spent with my “Norfolk nearest and dearest”"

And I’ve read this book. Lucy is a friend and fellow blogger, and her publisher sent me a review copy last week. It has been exactly the right thing for my Retreat. I rate it *****

I have already gone on at length to Christine and Bob about it . A proper review will follow later. Details of book here and Lucy’s website is here. Jane, I am sorry, this is flat Norfolk, so I shan’t be climbing every mountain, nor yet going high on a hill with any goatherds. Today is sermon preparation day!

But what is is about the atmosphere at Cornerstones? – even when I do not have to, I wake early, eager to get up and get on with things!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Follow Every Rainbow…

…till you find your dream.

Another of those Salzburg songs which is in my mind at the minute…

Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.


Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream


A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live.


1 - one of the many ‘byways’ signs you see in Norfolk

2 – rainbow over Kirby Muxloe Free Church, September 09

3 – sunrise, Royal Norfolk Showground, February 2012

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Feeling Refreshed!

Thank you everyone for your kind words. Twenty four hours after leaving home I have to say all is going incredibly well here [apart from the rain of biblical proportions – I have yet to wade through the knee length grass to get into the summerhouse!] I am just taking a quick break to watch Pointless and catch up on blogs. I’ve spent a lot of time reading [and reflecting] and a bit of time working on a project for my brother. I went into town briefly for petrol and bread – then came home and changed out of wet clothes and shoes.


Just a quick note to Steph [left] thanks for a lovely weekend with you and Mark.…and to Liz [right] Happy Birthday – wish I could be with you and Jon today – hope that the four of you have a lovely meal together this evening

Changing Gear

gear change

For weeks I have been struggling to change gear in my little blue car. Some journeys have been completed mostly in 3rd gear, because it was too much of a struggle to get into any other. I’ve arrived fraught and with an aching left arm! The prayer lives of my passengers have been greatly strengthened [well done, especially, to Elisabeth who managed to navigate me, when our eventual arrival was clearly in doubt] But thank you to The Motor Co of Golf Course Lane, who replaced my clutch, and now it is almost like having a new car!

There are times when many of us struggle on through life, knowing it isn’t going quite right, but putting off doing What Needs To Be Done. We make excuses [Have I got time to put the car into the garage for a whole day?  Can I afford the repair bill? The car is so old, is it worth it?] but once it is fixed, things are wonderful again [It was only away for a day, and they sorted it very efficiently. Yes the repair bill seems huge – but somehow I will pay it. The car is too useful, and I cannot afford to replace it]

Just lately I have been over busy and over tired. Much of it my own fault I admit – but the intermittent dental pain hasn’t helped. But the calendar for June- August looks even worse. The trip to Salzburg then lots of lay preaching round the county and then the frenetic week of Holiday Club – with other stuff in between.

summerhouse 2014 easterSo Bob suggested I went away on a Retreat during Half Term. What a brilliant idea! I have never been able to do this before. Family, time, money always got in the way. I accept I need to change gear, slow down a little – so I am having my own time alone, away from it all – at Cornerstones!

  • I shall read, pray and study
  • I shall do some relaxing sewing
  • I shall slow down
  • I shall rest.
  • I shall limit my time on the PC, and with the TV and radio [excepting, of course, The Archers!]
  • I shall walk in the countryside, and sleep well at night.
  • I shall be retreating in the Summerhouse!

So don’t expect lots of posts, and apologies if any emails or comments appear to be neglected for a day or two

God energizes those who get tired, he gives them fresh strength. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God will renew their strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.

Monday 26 May 2014

Amo, Amas, Amattress

Persons of a sensitive disposition, look away now. About 40 years ago, Katherine Whitehorn, the gifted journalist, wrote that the only way to keep her house clean was to invite guests round. This comment has stuck in my memory ever since! A number of meetings [downstairs] and overnight guests [upstairs] has seen the vacuum cleaners going into overdrive recently.


Yes, I have two of these – both Sebo automatic X1. The first purchased in John Lewis in 1997 [when we got our dog] It was the same price as a Dyson, and the saleslady explained why the Sebo was better value. The second came from the Scout Jumble Sale. I think Bob paid a fiver for it. It had one small part missing, which was easily replaced, and needed a small bit of gaffer tape on the hose. It has also lost the upholstery brush, but that doesn’t worry me. Like Model #1 it works brilliantly. Having one upstairs, one downstairs saves a lot of lifting.

If you go to our Council Tip  Refuse recycling centre, you will see all the dead cleaners in serried ranks, sorted by their manufacturers. There are ones by Electrolux, Hoover, etc [and loads of Dysons] but we have never seen a Sebo there – which must prove something.

Our bed is extremely heavy and I cannot move it on my own, but Bob helped me last week to get it away from the wall so that some really thorough vacuuming could take place. It is alarming how much dust accumulates under there. This post could possibly be subtitled ‘fifty shades of grey’. There, you have seen under my bed, so now you needn’t feel so bad about your dust!


IMG_1983Mattresses should be turned regularly. Here is the top left corner of one of mine.That’s M for May and the opposite corner says A [for August] Underneath is N [November] and F [February].

When I change the sheets I turn the mattress if it is that month [the letters are always put into top left position] That way they get all four possible orientations on a regular basis throughout the year. Mattress pads and mattress protectors are useful to prolong mattress life [and they significantly reduce the bedmite population]

hospital cornersI was talking about sheets with a friend last week – and saying that although I have much of my original Wedding Gift bedlinen [35 years old now] I have noticed that the elastic in the corners of the fitted sheets has started to perish. The actual sheets are fine though, so I do not plan to replace them [and I can always tuck in, so I am not planning to re-elasticate them – life’s too short for that!] But my flat sheets get the full Hermione-Norris-Crimson-Field treatment, proper hospital corners [do they still teach that skill at Guides and Girls’ Brigade nowadays?]

Sunday 25 May 2014

We’re Going On A Prayer Walk*

We're going on a Prayer Hunt  Walk

[for the new Lubbesthorpe Development]

We're going to pray some BIG prayers

masterplan – and walk round the site, which is currently fields and farmland adjacent to the M1.

The walk was on Thursday

What a beautiful day!

We're not scared


IMG_1972We met up under Bob’s big flag in the Motorway Services Car Park]

Paul, Vic, David, Bob and Ang

Lots of people sent their apologies [sorry about that]

As we left the car park and moved onto the footpath crossing the field, the rain started

rain motorway

Uh-uh! Rain!
Heavy, driving rain!
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.

Oh no! We've got to go through it! Wet! Wet! Wet!

IMG_1975Uh-uh! Grass!Long wavy wet grass.

We can't go over it.

We can't go under it.

Oh no! We've got to go through it!

Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!

IMG_1973We're going on a Prayer Walk.
We're going to pray some big prayers.
What a horrid wet rainy day - we're getting wet

IMG_1977Uh-uh! A puddle!
A deep cold puddle.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!

Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!

IMG_1976Uh-uh! Mud!
Thick oozy mud.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!

Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!

IMG_1974Uh-uh! A cow! A big curious cow

We can't go over her.
We can't go under her.
Oh no!
We've got to go round her!
Moo! Moo! Moo!


Now we’re back in Starbucks, drinking our hot chocolate, eating Rocky Road Cake

Slurp, munch! Slurp, munch! Slurp, munch!

Our clothes and boots are soaked through

Drip! Drip! Drip!

It was a great afternoon, albeit a very damp one [but Baptists can cope with excesses of water] I picked up a stone to bring homeIMG_1982 and remind me to keep on praying. We were praying “on-site with insight” that God will bless the new community which will be built here on our doorstep, and help us to Be The Light for Him and welcome our new neighbours.

Thank you Val for planning our route, Paul for navigating and Bob for organising this event – and Vic and David for supporting. Next time, we hope we will do the Prayer Walk in dry weather. Please join us!

[*with thanks and apologies to Michael Rosen]

Saturday 24 May 2014


IMG_1211 - Copy (2)

Back in early December, I made a pink princess dress for the grand daughter of a friend, to wear for a visit to the Panto.

The young lady in question wears the dress as often as she can when she is not at school, and has been found asleep in bed wearing it, having changed out of her pjs. It was clearly a success. She was given a Snow White dress from the Disney store for Christmas by one of the family. [below left]

snowwhite collar cape

But her real dream is to have a Rapunzel dress [she loves the film ‘Tangled’] Would it be possible for me to make one for her, please?

I have to say at this point that I am not best pleased with the Disney Store – I went into the Norwich branch to look at the Rapunzel dresses – and discovered two different styles on the rack.The salesperson explained that ‘we change the style slightly every January, so each year, the Princess dresses are just a little different’

The cynic in me says “Oh, yeah – and you can bet the children know which one is last year’s style, and want this year’s” I am not honestly sure how long these frocks would last anyway. Some parents spend a fortune on kitting their girls out in these outfits. Home-made is cheaper, and often better made, and I think, more special.


I found some pictures of the various different Rapunzel dresses online, and produced one for my little friend.

I also made another Snow White Apron like these ones I made back in November for Gemma and co.



Here’s my version of the Rapunzel dress [I hung the jewel at the waist rather than on the neckline]


And here’s the Snow White dress with an apron on top which is polycotton and easy to wash!


Even if she insists on being dressed as a princess all the time, at least she can protect her finery from spills at teatime!tangled

I think this little princess has enough gowns for the time being, but of course she may yet discover Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, the Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, Jasmine, Merida, Ariel, Pocahontas and Tiana… [If you must know, I like Merida best]

Friday 23 May 2014

People, Like Us!

leats eat grandma

Yes, there IS meant to be a comma in that title. I need some of you out there to help me by ‘liking’ the new WWDP Facebook page.


It is here and has only been up and running for a few days. We are aiming to help people see that the WWDP movement is more than just one day in March – our work goes on all through the year and the gifts donated go to support projects all round the world. The FB page should keep people updated on what we are doing and where.

I know that lots of you who read this blog are involved with WWDP in different countries, and even more of you support charities involved in development, and issues surrounding women, children and families. I should stress [for Gaz and his mates] that WWDP does not exclude men- it’s just that the material and services are prepared by Christian women for the use of everyone.

If you are on facebook, do me a favour, and click here please -Ta!

Thursday 22 May 2014

Reading In Bed

townsend- the woman who went to bedI picked this up for 50p last week at the Parish Church Booksale. Sue T died last month, and was a much loved Leicestershire lass. So I thought I ought to read her last book – and a train trip to London and back seemed a good excuse.

You can see a video clip of Sue talking about the book here [I tried to embed it in the blog but I can’t – sorry]

I’m not sure what I thought of the book – I read Adrian Mole when the girls were tiny, and laughed a lot [I had no idea I would end up living in Leicestershire back then] but somehow I never moved on to the later Mole Tomes. This one is also set in our fair city, and I recognised many of the places which are mentioned [the crisp factory, the two universities, the Space Centre, the psychiatric unit…]

The plot – Eva Beaver’s twin children [bro and sis – named Brian Junior and Brianne] are very gifted children, and go off to Leeds University. Dad Brian [Senior] takes them – and in his absence, Eva just…doesn’t… get… up. He gets back and finds her in bed, and there she stays for a whole year. Early on she discovers her astronomer husband has a mistress [for eight years she had imagined he went to his garden shed at night to watch the stars through his telescope] So he is not allowed back into the bed with her. Ever. But he nevertheless stays to look after her.SueTownsend_banner_image

She has plenty of visitors, and often sits on the end of the bed and surveys the street outside. She does allow herself to make a ‘pathway’ of sheets from the bed to the ensuite so she can get to the loo, and the washbasin, without ‘leaving the bed’ but mostly she stays in bed.

Perhaps it was the idea behind the book that I couldn’t really cope with. I have the odd day when the idea of staying in bed reading or listening to the radio seems appealing. But usually that is when I am ill with a cold, or post-op or something – and when I do stay in bed I fall asleep, and drop the book, and the radio plays quietly to itself. I mean,

  • I can’t sew in bed [the machine is too heavy to balance on my knees, and pins and needles are lethal in the folds of the duvet]
  • If I knit in bed, the wool rolls away and tangles.
  • Eating in bed usually involves a complete change of bedlinen immediately afterwards due to toast crumbs and other spillage
  • After a while I look at the clock and feel I am wasting time, and I have to get up and get on with things

… No I could never do this. But Eva Beaver’s story is a poignant, bittersweet tale of an unfulfilled woman, and a family who didn’t really appreciate her – maybe in her position, I too would burrow under the bedclothes.

Parts of the book were hilariously funny, but I felt that other parts didn’t properly hang together. I read all but the last 2 chapters on my train journeys, then finished it off last thing at night. But I had to re-read those two chapters again yesterday because when I woke up I just could not remember the ending! I felt as though it finished in a very unsatisfactory way. Perhaps that’s just me- I like all the ends tied up neatly. But if you liked AM and his diary, give it a go.

I admire Sue Townsend for the way she turned her life around, and used her talents, and coped with genuine poverty in her youth, and serious health issues in later life – and she was not just a gifted writer, she was a really nice person [or so my local friends who actually knew her have told me] I think I shall give the book ***

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Pretty Special

I was out preaching at a local chapel on Sunday – as usual I was given a really warm welcome. The Minister was having a much needed day off – his daughter had got married the day before. The building looked great, as it was festooned with yards of bunting. I am told it was made by one of the bridesmaids from CS duvet covers! It is double sided so looks good from every angle.


Everyone at the ceremony was invited to tea and cupcakes afterwards in the Church Hall, then later on, invited guests went to the Reception. Leftover cupcakes were in evidence on Sunday morning – so I was sent home with two cakes [they never forget Bob!] plus one of the beautiful floral arrangements from the front of the chapel, a gift from the bride’s family. Thankyou!

May God bless Rebecca and Jamie with many happy years together!

But what was really special for me was this - We prayed not only for the girls in Nigeria but also for Meriam in Sudan. One gentleman helped me to carry the flowers out to my car and thanked me for the service- and said he was going to go straight home and contact the Sudanese Government to ask for Meriam’s release [links on the Amnesty Website] If what I said in the service made just one person go and do a good deed, then that is truly wonderful.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

It’s A Gift

One thing on my ‘list of stuff for Salzburg’ is a gift. We have each been asked to take one necklace, and then on the first evening, we exchange gifts – so everybody gets a different necklace to take home, as a memento of the Conference [you can tell that all the delegates are women] I decided to personalize mine, so I have made a little drawstring bag for the necklace, and embroidered it with the WWDP logo, and the location and date. I did a spare in case my friend wants one too. These should slip neatly into a suitcase.


I am taking them to the meeting today to show the rest of the committee. I have to lead the prayers this morning before the business meeting starts. I am planning to use some of the Christian Aid Week resource material. I know CA week has finished- but the work of the charity goes on all year round

Lord Jesus,
For journeys home
For determined steps to peace
For hope overcoming fear
For kindness against violence
For goodness and mercy
even through the horrors of war
For the breaking of bread and for prayers
For sharing what we have
For all these things
give us glad and generous hearts.

Monday 19 May 2014

Julie Andrews Was There First

It is forty years since Julie went to Salzburg, to film the Sound of Music. And now – it’s my turn to go there!! I am not going to make a film, strum a guitar, join a nunnery or dance in the fountains [or marry a Captain]. I have been selected to go as a representative of the UKWWDP to the European Conference next month. There will be around 130 women there from 40 countries.  I am yoyo-ing wildly between crazy excitement and nervous anxiety.

My heart should be wildly rejoicing – oh, what's the matter with me? I've always longed for adventure, to do the things I've never dared. And here I'm facing adventure, then why am I so scared?

Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worries, if I don't I just know I'll turn back. I must dream of the things I am seeking, I am seeking the courage I lack

I have confidence in sunshine, I have confidence in rain, I have confidence that spring will come again -  Besides which you see, I have confidence in me  [click here]


I am still not sure if I believe it – people like me don’t get to do this sort of thing. But the flights are booked, the other UK committee member who is going with me will be staying here the night before and we will drive to the airport in her car, and I have a list of stuff to prepare and take with me. Am I obliged to put my luggage in a guitar case and carpet bag like JA does?

It is just over three weeks away now. I have been bursting to blog about it, but decided people would get bored so have said nothing. But tomorrow is my last WWDP committee before we go, so I thought it was time I ‘fessed up. Confidence is lacking in these areas

  • I hate flying – particularly take-off and landing [I was in my mid 40s before I got on a plane] and I won’t have a family member nearby to hold my hand!
  • I know hardly any German, other than Good Morning, Good Night, Please, Thank you.
  • I am convinced I shall commit some awful social faux pas, and embarrass my friend.

But I am sure it will be all OK in the end. I shall work on developing Quiet Confidence. Isaiah chapter 30 says “in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength

Sunday 18 May 2014


Last Sunday in church we were all given a sticky label bearing the Christian name of one of the girls kidnapped in Nigeria, and asked to pray for her. Mine says ‘Aisha’ – I have stuck it on the alarm box above the key basket – to remind me to pray for her whenever I go out or come in, and pick up or put down my doorkey.

I thought about those girls on Friday as I called the register for an unfamiliar class. “We are one short, Lisa isn’t here” the children told me. “We hope she will be back on Monday” said the Teaching Assistant. When the Literacy books were given out, a girl brought me Lisa’s book. “Where shall I put it? Lisa isn’t here” In the afternoon, they painted the jars they made last week. One girl who had been on holiday last week was helping a friend paint. One jar stood alone, unpainted, gleaming white, on the shelf , I suggested she might paint that one. “That’s Lisa’s jar – and she is coming back soon” they said, confidently. They were determined not to forget their classmate, and reminded me constantly of her absence. And she was just one girl missing from the class. What would the absence of almost 200 be like?

Let us go on praying for the Nigerian schoolgirls and their families – that they will come back soon. [I’ve removed surnames from the list, and repeats – e.g. there are 3 Lydias on the full list, just pray for these names – God knows them all and He will sort it out]

bring back our girls

Abigail Aisha ​Aishatu Amina ​Ali Anthonia Asabe ​Awa ​Awagana Blessing Christiana Christy Comfort Deborah Docas ​Eli Esther Falta Fatima ​Febi Filo Gloria Glory Godiya ​Grace ​Hadiza Halima ​Hamsatu Hana ​Hanatu Hasana Hauwa ​Helen ​Ihyi ​Jinkai ​Juliana ​Jummai ​Kabu ​Kauna ​Kume Kummai ​Kwadugu Kwanta ​Ladi Laraba Liyatu ​Luggwa Lydia ​Maifa ​Maimuna Mairama Margret Mary Maryamu Monica Muli ​Muwa Naomi Nguba ​Palmata Patient ​Pindar ​Racheal Rahap ​Rahila ​Rakiya Rebecca Rejoice ​Rhoda ​Rifkatu Ruth ​Safiya ​Salomi ​Saratu ​Saraya ​Serah Sicker ​Solomi ​Suzana ​Tabitha ​Talata ​Yana Yanke ​Yayi Zara

Saturday 17 May 2014

A Mixed Bag Of Blessings

Quite apart from all those crazy freebies from CREX on Thursday, I seem to have been the recipient of all sorts of random gifts this past week. Lots of bloggers do ‘gratitude lists’ – so here is my list of 7 blessings from the past 7 days.

hedgehog jam1. Christine brought me some delicious chocolate and ginger biscuits, and two jars of jam in a little hessian bag, as a ‘Hostess Gift’ when she came to stay last weekend. I have yet to open the preserves – but confess I initially misread the label and thought it was WILD HEDGEHOG jam! [btw did you know the Hebrew word for hedgehog is keepod?]



2. Twenty years after he moved out, the former occupant of this house was sent a rather large cheque in the post [which I opened in error] I managed to track him down with a bit of Googling and he came and collected it. He brought me a large box of Ferrero Rocher as a thankyou!


3. I am a Radio 4 enthusiast – so was thrilled to be offered, quite out of the blue, two tickets to hear a recording of ‘I’m sorry I haven’t a clue’. Sadly I am unable to take up the kind gesture- but how lovely to be thought of like this. I hope the person who does get to use the tickets has a wonderful evening. I am grateful for kind and thoughtful friends.


4. Then there was the strange squashed parcel – containing a small nylon bag. In the bag was a larger nylon shopping nag, It is my prize for submitting a ‘Nutella Story’ to their 60th birthday website. You can find my story there [with the keywords love, husband, classroom] It is a strange shape for a bag though, but I like its little storage pouch with the hanging clip.

stamp 1

5. Friday was a long day in school, with a couple of challenging pupils and a very recalcitrant laptop [designated “for use of Supply Staff”] which would not work for me, other teachers or the IT technician. But the lesson plans were good, and the story in literacy was all about Dr Barnardo [I know that one!]


The support staff were brilliant, and together we managed without the benefits of modern technology and achieved all we were supposed to do. I am grateful for that – and especially that two of the TAs went to the Office, and told the school secretary that they would like her to ask the agency for me by name next time cover is needed! That is wonderful.


6. And I am grateful to the people who have recently donated odd bits and pieces to the Great Stash. I had just the right piece of old curtain ** this week for a project I was preparing for my Tuesday Sewing Students.

M&S fosse7. Marks and Spencer sent me an invite to a customer event , and as I needed petrol from nearby Sainsburys, I went straight down after school on Friday afternoon.


The invite included a £5 voucher for clothes or homewares. I had a drink of elderflower cordial, two chicken nibbles, and a cupcake- then was given a voucher for a free pint of milk. So I got an afternoon snack, a pair of tights, and my milk…all for nothing!

This is all a very random selection of gifts – some tangible, others less so [the offer of a gift which you cannot accept is, bizarrely, a gift in itself, and the possibility of teaching work in the future is an encouragement in the present] Is it churlish to mention that a jar of Nutella inside the bag would have been nice too? But I am truly grateful for them all, and for the kind thoughts and generous friendship they represent.


**I am not the only woman to be grateful for old curtains and put them to good use. Here is another picture from the Sound Of Music. Next week I shall explain why I am busily channelling my inner Julie Andrews so much lately!