Having recently discovered that the great Gertrude Jekyll didn’t start serious gardening till she was in her 50s, I have been encouraged to pursue my horticultural efforts.
So here are some pictures of progress thus far…

In April, Chris gave me a kit from M&S for my birthday – to grow sweet peas in a bucket. Bucket, compost and seeds provided.
Above right, you see the bucket in June, sprouting lots of green foliage.
This week, the first flower has bloomed, with promise of others to follow. Fabulous colours!
So this one has worked!
I mentioned before my pea shoots on the windowsill – well, I moved them outside and transplanted them – and now have a few pods growing – so we may have some fresh peas to pick there soon

I also had a couple of pots of herbs- bought on offer in Sainsbury's, and I transplanted half of each, and they are outside too.

Mint and Greek basil – both really thriving – we are already enjoying them adding extra flavour to our meals. I was given two ‘yellow pepper’ plants after the school fete. Lots of lush greenery here

Hoping that those funny little buds will turn into yellow peppers one day. They started off with just two leaves each.
I have had a rosemary bush for years – in fact, I started with one in a pot when Bob was at College, before Steph was born. I planted it in the garden, and managed to get friends to take cuttings for me twice when we moved house, and I brought some rosemary here which originated with that first pot plant.
Now I have managed to root some cuttings by myself and will be planting it in the Cornerstones garden soon.
All of this has been a great encouragement to me – however the fig has been quite pathetic this year and lost all its leaves and baby figlets. You can’t win ‘em all.
The tomato plant [25p, Scouts Rummage Sale] has grown to a massive five feet in height.
But it only has TWO tomatoes. We’re doing something wrong there, I think!

The gardens in Putney are beautifully tended, I noticed last weekend.[Although I suspect many of the wealthier residents pay someone else to do their weeding and pruning for them] In one avenue, only a stone’s throw from the tube station, there are trees along the pavement, and people have planted flowers in the earth around their roots. One tree in particular reminded me of PomPom. Steph said “Mum, you have to see the little door in the tree. You will probably want to photograph it!” And sure enough, there was a cute little fairy door. It is definitely the sort of thing PomPom would create for her grandchildren, don’t you think? [click here]

So I will continue with my attempts at gardening, as this looks like being the most successful year to date. If I can do it, anyone can!