Sunday 26 May 2024

The Lord's Day

It's Sunday, and so whatever else I do today, I shall be thinking of the friends back home in our little chapel, joining to worship God. [We briefly joined in a service yesterday in Sacre Coeur] But the wonderful thing is, whether in a chapel with a few, a cathedral with hundreds, or just alone, I can pray and praise God, and feel his love, peace and joy in my heart.

Worshipping alone is good - having friends with me is a bonus and a joy. May you be blessed today, however, wherever you choose to worship


  1. Sometimes, it is good to worship with others. Other times, however, worshipping alone is just what one needs.

  2. Dad and I always joined in a Sunday service wherever we were. Once we went to a lovely Methodist Chapel in Wales and only after the service started did we realise it was in Welsh. Catriona

    1. We joined in part of a service in Sacre Coeur, and understood some, and recognised the hymn

  3. I haven't attended a church service in person since the covid pandemic started; livestreams, zoom and broadcast services have been great.

    1. This has been one aspect of COVID which has proved so helpful. We still have "hybrid" services at chapel - on person, or on zoom OR phone. Brilliant

  4. I joined in at Hexham abbey alongside my MiL and dear friends and it was GLORIOUS!!


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