Sunday, 9 February 2025

A Prayer For Today

I'm due to lead prayers at chapel this morning - so I am using this one from Common Worship, the C of E resource book. Sometimes the words somebody else has written sum up the things I want to say, and I am grateful for this resource

Gracious God,
we pray for peace, justice and reconciliation throughout the world.
We pray for the honouring of human rights,
and for the relief of the oppressed.
We give thanks for all that is gracious in the lives of men, women and children

We pray for the renewal of the Church in faith, love and service.
We pray for Nick our Pastor, and for the deacons
We give thanks for the gift of your word,
and the fellowship of your people.
We ask your blessing on this church

We pray for this local community
and for all people in their daily life and work.
We pray for the young and the elderly,

for families, and all who are alone.
We give thanks for human skill and creativity
and all that reveals your loveliness. 

We pray for those who are in need;
for the sick, sorrowful and bereaved. and for the life of this community
We pray for all who bring comfort, care and healing.
We give thanks for human love and friendship
and for all that enriches our daily lives. 

Let us commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,
to the mercy and protection of God,
as we join together in saying the Lord’s prayer 
[Our Father...] AMEN


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