Thursday, 27 February 2025

And Purple Prickles...

 ...All Over His Back 

Jess managed to top and tail Rosie's week by having a sleepover with us on the two weekends. So of course, Bob's legendary Breakfast Pancakes were requested on Saturday morning. We decided to try the ones in the Gruffalo cookbook.

We were all still in our pjs. Jess in her dressing gown, helped Bob by sprinkling the purple fruit onto each pancake. Bob used the mini pan, as the cakes were thicker than his usual crepe style, and he wanted to stack them.
They tasted very good, but I suspect it will be back to the regular ones next time [altho there have been mutterings about æbleskiver now I have the pan for it!] We served our Purple Prickle Pancakes with lemon juice, golden syrup, and dollops of home-made yogurt. A ***** recipe


  1. They sound tasty and colourful. Children love to help with cooking don't they? We await aebleskiver! Regards Sue H

    1. They may not happen till the Easter Holidays....

  2. They look delicious and I love blueberries so would have enjoyed them. Catriona

  3. Let me know when you do poffertjes; I'm fully determined to come to Norfolk that day and help you eat them! I'll bring the icing sugar and butter...

  4. Such sweet faces these girls have! JanF

  5. What is your normal recipe? I bet that is really delicious too. Nicky K

    1. From the blessed St Delia

  6. Purple prickly pancakes sound delicious. Was Jess wearing 'the dressing gown' which was Steph's. Xx

  7. They look delicious. I haven't made pancakes for quite a while. I need to prepare the dry ingredients the night before and cover them, then mix the wet ingredients and put those in the fridge. Then in the morning when I am slow and dozy, it will be easy to combine them while heating up the pan!

    1. Making batter beforehand does save time in the morning

  8. What a great way to show kids the recipe! I love it!
    (and I may have sent this cookbook to a young friend who will greatly appreciate it after seeing it on your blog)

    1. It is good to spend time helping the next generation learn to cook 🥞

  9. A tasty breakfast and fun for the girls.
    However, I think the 'you will need' list is poorly written. If the flour, bicarb of soda, and cinnamon are to mixed together first, then list them as the first three ingredients. Same with the milk and honey; list them together. Also, there's no mention of needing a saucer or foil on the list.
    It would be much easier for the kids (and the helping adults). ~ skye

  10. Well spotted! I must ask Bob if he noticed these editing errors when making the pancakes (although he usually keeps things warm in the oven on a low hear, so wouldn't need foil)

  11. Yum!!! I love regular thin pancakes but these sound delectable! Xx

  12. Purple Prickle Pancakes sound great and look delicious with the fruit toppings.

  13. All pancakes are good in this family!


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