Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Yet Another Landscape

On Friday I posted about landscapes by Turner and others
On Saturday I posted the snowscape I had stitched for our CoverStory Collaboration
And yesterday I received Kirsten's January stitching - another landscape!
It is beautiful - a  depiction of a place in Sussex which is a favourite spot where she and her family go for coffee sometimes. And it is tiny - just 6cm x 5cm, but she has mounted it on a piece of her Advent Calendar fabric.

You can see trees, patchwork fields, and along the bottom grasses. In the blue sky a very fluffy cloud made from some sheep's wool. The stitching is minuscule! Like my snowscape, her sky is beautiful, joyful blue [skies round here have been very grey lately]
If you read her blog, you will know she has had a tough few weeks, losing her Dad just after Christmas, and then having to deal with all the 'sadmin' that follows a bereavement. 
She has added a photograph in the notebook which accompanies the stitching - a picture of her Dad, looking bright and cheerful, with these fields and trees, and clouds in the blue sky behind him. It was taken at the beginning of December.
K says "this is not a sad piece - it is one of my favourite wintry scenes, and a happy memory of a Grand Old Man!"
What a lovely tribute, I am thrilled he will be remembered and celebrated in our collaborative stitching. 


  1. Beautiful stitching and what a lovely way to remember her Dad❤️ Catriona

  2. That is so lovely, the sewing and the story of how it came about. A fitting tribute to her Dad. Regards Sue H

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments. K

    1. So many of your blogfriends are thinking of you right now, as you go through this difficult time ❤️🙏

  4. Kirsten is so imaginative. Looking forward to seeing the complete work.

  5. Such a lovely piece of work with lots of meaning. Thinking of Kirsten at this time. X

  6. She put a loving thought into every single stitch I am sure. A lovely remembrance indeed. JanF

  7. My heart goes out to Kirsten, and I appreciate the lovely way she has created this memory which touches us all.

  8. What a beautiful piece! I love that he is part of your collaboration!

  9. That is a beautiful piece!

    That is a wonderful way to choose to remember a loved one.

  10. My deepest sympathies to Kirsten. Her January contribution is lovely and very special.


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